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Books by Galvanized Media. The Galvanized team has created some of the most well-recognized, trusted and respected brands in health and wellness.
Rousset, Bernard. “Chapter 2 Thyroid Hormone Synthesis And Secretion.” Endotext. U.S. National Library of Medicine, 2 Sept. 2015; Attipoe, Selasi, et al. “Tyrosine for Mitigating Stress and Enhancing Performance in Healthy Adult Humans, a Ra...
Di Pierro, F, et al; “Potential Role of Bioavailable Curcumin in Weight Loss and Omental Adipose Tissue Decrease: Preliminary Data of a Randomized, Controlled Trial in Overweight People with Metabolic Syndrome. Preliminary ...
Rousset, Bernard. “Chapter 2 Thyroid Hormone Synthesis And Secretion.” Endotext. U.S. National Library of Medicine, 2 Sept. 2015; Attipoe, Selasi, et al. “Tyrosine for ...
Shortly after I started grad school, I chanced upon the books “Health at Every Size” and “Intuitive Eating.”At first I thought the ideas in those books were great…for other people. (I was still holding myself to a different standard.) But as I started to dig more into the scienc...
All I want to say, before going back and burying my head once again in my books, is that 1) Daisy Zamora and Christopher Ramsden are rockstars, and 2) “incomplete publication” of results from diet-heart trials is part of the reason that the folks at the USDA and DHHS have published...
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2.What is the best diet for weight loss? 3.How many calories should I eat to lose weight? 4.What are the most effective exercises for weight loss? 5.What foods should I avoid when trying to lose weight? 6.What is the ketogenic diet and does it work for weight loss?