Regulation on nutrition and health claims number (EC) No. 1924/2006 came into force in the European Union (EU) in 2007. The Regulation aims to ensure that claims are truthful and do not mislead consumers. It also aims to stimulate innovation to produce healthier food products in the food ...
Detailed information about the new EU regulation on nutrition and health claims are presented in this publication. This Synthesis Report outlines the scope of the new EC regulation and provides some information about other guidelines on health claims, and approaches used in countries both within the ...
At the European level, it is possible to recognize different legal food frameworks, including the nutritional fact panel, the panel for novel foods, and the panel for nutritional and health claims. In general, the minimum levels offood qualityare fixed and regulated by standards. Over and above...
Therefore, innovation in industry can readily proceed via approved nutrition claims and approved health claims. The market and the shelves in the stores will not be empty; rather they will look different in the years to come. Introduction In the second half of the 20th century the political ...
She was managing editor of the 1988 Surgeon General’s Report on Nutrition and Health, which said that processed food created to fit the prevailing definition of “healthy” is exactly what the public needs: “Food manufacturers can contribute to improving the availability of palatable, easily ...
This web page, its title or contents and associated brochures and other documents do not in any way make recommendations for health or marketing claims by the reader. Country and region specific regulations should be considered in this regard. Each claim or statement about the effectiveness of ...
Vitamin D deficiency is a public health concern worldwide. Maintaining vitamin D sufficiency during growth periods is essential. We aimed to determine the prevalence and predictors of vitamin D deficiency in Australian adolescents and young adults. We us
With the world having turned into what seems like one big village, interest in traditional and ethnic foods is on the rise, as are the claims about their nutritional values and health-promoting effects. Today, traditional foods often are produced in a way that deviates from methods used long ...
Generally, health claims outperformed nutrition claims, and both of these claim types outperformed reduction of disease risk claims. Comparing consumer reactions across product concepts revealed clear preferences for fibre-enriched cereals as compared to the other two concepts. The interaction effects ...
Consumers need to be better protected from misleading nutrition and health claims on food packaging, according to new research. These claims are displayed to influence consumers'foodchoices, but could mislead consumers' perceptions about what is healthy food, says University of Auckland researcher, Dr...