Many new developments claims for benefits that do not reproduce at field conditions 4. Some good products does not have a real effective cost/benefit ratio.Ricardo MelgarFertilizer Latin American conference 2015: 25 - 27 January, 2015 - Paulo, Brazil...
Chapter 15 Organic Amendments. N - Efficiency Results Katherine Cherry. PRT 2008 Lecture 9. Agricultural Best Management Practices For Protecting Water Quality leaching, runoff, and volatilization Field-level Systems North Carolina State University Biosolids, Manure, and Micronutrients Sustainable Agriculture ...
5 for increasing grain quality (Amanullah and Shah [13]), partial factor productivity (PFP), and agronomic N use efficiency (NUEA) in maize [23]. Amanullah [24] compared the agronomic N use efficiency (NUEA) and harvest index response of ...
It has also been reported that the consequences of N metabolism55, N use efficiency48 and C-N balance56 are improved by K fertilizer application. Similarly, the results of the present study suggest that a positive synergistic interaction between K and N on assimilate production, nutrient uptake,...
Factorsinfluencingthewaterutilizationefficiency (4)耕作方式。 不同的耕作方式和种植模式通常表现出明显的水分利用 效率差异,如秸秆覆盖、间作套种等有利于提高农业的水分 利用效率。 (5)施肥条件。 合理施肥可增强农作物对养分和水分的吸收,促进农作 物群体的生长和发育,提高对土壤贮水的利用水平,从而有 ...
When a nutrient limits their growth, plants can use multiple physiological mechanisms to improve the availability and use efficiency of the limiting nutri- ent, maintaining the stability of the body nutrient levels and the associated functioning12. These mechanisms of nutrient conservation include ...
Overview of Methodologies to Improve Sustainability Through Nutrient Use Efficiency(PPT)100% Fertilizer Recovery is NOT Sustainable Fertilizer Recommendations Should be Made in the Context of the 4R Program 1. Right Rate 2. Right Source 3. Right Placement 4. Right Time.Greg Schwab...
To understand how benthic reef organisms make use of such nutrient pulses, we determined ammonium, nitrate and phosphate uptake rates for one abundant coral species, turf algae, six macroalgal and two benthic cyanobacterial species in a series of laboratory experiments. Nutrient uptake rates differed ...
The knockdown efficiency results were shown in Supplementary Fig. S4b. e The purified Rif1 complex (Rif1-CBP) dephosphorylates H3T11 as determined by in vitro dephosphorylation assay. f, g ChIP-qPCR analysis of the occupancy of Glc7-FLAG (f) and H3pT11/H3 (g) at subtelomere regions ...