mycorrhizal plantsnutrient uptakesoil propertiesBoth arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) and earthworms often coexist in agriculture ecosystems, but very little is known on the interactions between them. A two-compartment air gap-incorporating device was used to investigate the effects of three species of...
Fresquet, J., Pascual, B., Lopez-Galarza, S., San Bautista, A., Baixauli, C., Gisbert, M. Y Maroto, J.V. (2001). Nutrient uptake of pepino plants in soilless cultivation. Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology. 76(3): 338-343...
Plants require a complex balance of mineral nutrients to reproduce successfully. Because the availability of many of these nutrients in the soil is compromised by several factors, such as soil pH, cation presence, and microbial activity, crop plants depend directly on nutrients applied as fertilizers...
The model is based on a mechanistic description of diffusion of solutes in the soil, nutrient uptake by plants, bacterial activity and bacterial predation. Modelled soil bacterial populations grow, mediate transformations among several forms of nitrogen (mineral and organic) and compete for nitrogen ...
L. (2013) Plant-Soil Interactions: Nutrient Uptake. Nature Education Knowledge 4(8):2Changes in root architecture, induction of root-based transport systems and associations with beneficial soil microorganisms allow plants to maintain optimal nutrient content in the face of changing soil environments....
A model for nutrient and water flow and their uptake by plants grown in a soilless culture The objective of this study was to develop a sensitive means of control to optimize nutrient concentrations in the root zone of a soilless system, consider... M Silberbush,J Ben-Asher,JE Ephrath -...
All three mechanisms can operate in the uptake of a single nutrient, but their significance is relay on the relative portion of nutrients in the plants and soil. After the acquisition, the absorbed nutrients either directly or indirectly participate in the biomass production as well as final ...
Nutrients have been known to affect stress conditions, in fact, nutrient deprivations are stress conditions for plants itself. Likewise, three important nu
Finlay10 Effects of soil temperature on nutrient uptakeK.S. Pregitzer and J.S. King11 Nutrient acquisition of terrestrial plants in a changing climateD.G. Bielenberg and H. BassiriRad12 From molecular biology to biogeochemistry: toward an integrated view of plant nutrient uptakeH. BassiriRad...
Communicative & Integrative Biology 6:1, e22321; January/February 2013; © 2013 Landes Bioscience Mini-REVIEW Nutrient transfer to plants by phylogenetically diverse fungi suggests convergent evolutionary strategies in rhizospheric symbionts Scott W. Behie, Israel E. Padilla-Guerrero and Michael J. ...