nutmeg grater 读音:美英 nutmeg grater基本解释 肉豆蔻盒 分词解释 nutmeg[植]肉豆蔻(树) grater摩擦者,擦菜板
First introduced in England during the seventeenth century, nutmeg graters were fabricated in ever increasingly, imaginative shapes and styles. Delicate silver graters were carried in the pockets of the gentry, who also toted luxurious silver "traveling sets" of tableware, that on occasion contained...
$6.00 Choose:*Each Each Heads up! onlyleft Quantity: Product Details A classic and versatile nutmeg grater! This kitchen tool grates ginger, garlic, nutmeg, chocolate, and more with ease along razor sharp micro blades. Nutmeg grater measures 5.5 inches and can be conveniently hung on your spic...
网络释义 1. 肉豆蔻磨碎机 Great Expectations... ... "had such a prevailing redness of skin"" 皮肤红得特别刺眼," "nutmeg-grater""肉豆蔻磨碎机" ...|基于2个网页
1) nutmeg grater 肉豆蔻磨碎器2) nutmeg [英]['nʌtmeɡ] [美]['nʌtmɛg] 肉豆蔻 1. Optimize the Extraction Process for the Volatile Oil from the Nutmeg by Orthogonal Design; 正交法优选肉豆蔻挥发油提取工艺 2. Comparing analysis of components in volatile oils of nutmeg and prepared ...
Nutmeg is used for flavouring many dishes, usually in ground or grated form, and is best grated fresh in anutmeg grater. ParaCrawl Corpus The aroma ofnutmegis strongest when grated, so you can buygraterespecially for this purpose. ParaCrawl Corpus ...
Giant grater for cheese and nutmeg in steel and wood. Grattugia gigante per formaggio e noce moscata in acciaio e legno. ParaCrawl Corpus In fact, in the 18th century, people would carry nutmeg in pocket-sized silver graters so they could enjoy it whenever they wanted. Infatti, nel ...
Object Nutmeg Grater Year Dimensions 13.5 cm Theme Kitchen supplies Country / area Netherlands Language Type Grater, Raspelreibe/rasp grater Number of pages Person Designer Material Chromed, Tinplate Barcode / EAN / UPC Colour Part Details Grate for nutmeg balls, the ball ca...
nutmeg grater 生词本: 添加笔记: 有奖纠错 | 划词 词组搭配 英语百科 英语维基词典 英语例句库用户正在搜索 agriculturalist, agriculture, agriculturist, Agrigento, agrimonine, agrimonol, agrimonolide, agrimony, agrimophol, agrimotor, 相似单词 3G, 401(K), a, ...
当当上海外文书店旗舰店在线销售正版《预订Nutmeg: Graters, Pomanders and Spice Boxes:Luxury and utility from the 16th century to the present》。最新《预订Nutmeg: Graters, Pomanders and Spice Boxes:Luxury and utility from the 16th century to the present》简