接下来在VMware Workstation新建虚拟机;以下过程中只对一些关键的部分进行说明 Nutanix CE其底层也是通过Linux内核实现的,如果在ESXI中我们就要选择centos 4/5/6 64位,在VMware Workstations中我们选择CentOS 64位 CPU选择至少4vcpu 内存至少分配16G 网络根据自己的实验环境进行选择,不过有一点需要注意的是;在后面还需...
可在VMware ESXi或者WorkStation安装 1,到官网注册账号并下载最新版本http://download.nutanix.com/ce/2015.11.05/ce-2015.11.05-stable.img.gz 2,解压后ce-2015.11.05-stable.img,改成ce-flat.vmdk 3,下载磁盘描述文件,ce.vmdk 4,用vmware workstation或者ESXi安装, 5,总共需要创建3块磁盘,第一块为ce.vmdk,...
1,到官网注册账号并下载最新版本http://download.nutanix.com/ce/2015.11.05/ce-2015.11.05-stable.img.gz 2,解压后ce-2015.11.05-stable.img,改成ce-flat.vmdk 3,下载磁盘描述文件,ce.vmdk 4,用vmware workstation或者ESXi安装, 5,总共需要创建3块磁盘,第一块为ce.vmdk,再添加额外两块 Nu...
Part 1 配置Nutanix CE on VMware Workstation 15.5,这个过程网上一堆,此处不赘述了。 特别提示:虽然给了16G内存,但还是不够,要想顺利完成实验估计得24G以上; Part 2 配置Nutanix CE EULA需要滑到底部才行,选中Create single-node cluster 默认用户名:admin 密码:nutanix/4u 需要修改密码为极其复杂的程度,看web...
在VMware Workstation上安装NutanixCE 近年来超融合架构越来越火,相信关注超融合架构的朋友们肯定对Nutanix有所耳闻,某种程度上讲Nutanix可以说是超融合架构的代表产品之一。但是相信在国内熟悉VMware VSAN的朋友们会比Nutanix的多,究其原因很多,其中之一就是VSAN依托VMware vSphere有多的用户面且资料丰富、入门简单容易在实验...
Albert Chen – How to install Nutanix CE into ESXi 6.0 William Lam – Emulating an SSD Virtual Disk in a VMware Environment I took the work that Joep and Albert did and mixed in a bit of William Lam’s magic to fool Community Edition into thinking that a plain virtual disk was an SSD...
VMware vSphere 的日常维护 https://edu.51cto.com/topic/1971.html 阿里云高阶实战 https://edu.51cto.com/topic/2113.html Cacti入门系列 https://edu.51cto.com/topic/2322.html VMware Workstation 那些你没用过的功能挨个讲 https://edu.51cto.com/topic/4115.html 我的博客 可以留言获取优惠码 https:/...
VMware vSphere 的日常维护 https://edu.51cto.com/topic/1971.html 阿里云高阶实战 https://edu.51cto.com/topic/2113.html Cacti入门系列 https://edu.51cto.com/topic/2322.html VMware Workstation 那些你没用过的功能挨个讲 https://edu.51cto.com/topic/4115.html 我的博客 可以留言获取优惠码 https:/...
Lenovo and Nutanix provide AI-Ready Enterprise solutions and expertise to simplify integrating GPT models while maintaining control over data and applications. Run AI Workloads at Any Scale, Anywhere Simplify AI & IT Operations Leverage the power of Lenovo and Nutanix GPT-in-a-Box™ to seamlessly...
It will run on, at least, VMware ESXi, Fusion and Workstation. During one of the sessions at the .NEXT Conference, I demoed how to install on top of Fusion, and I’d like to share how to do so. Installing CE on Fusion So, now we have a simple, easy way to deploy CE in your...