The meaning of NUT is a hard-shelled dry fruit or seed with a separable rind or shell and interior kernel. How to use nut in a sentence.
nut 1 [nuht] Phonetic (Standard)IPA noun a dry fruit consisting of an edible kernel or meat enclosed in a woody or leathery shell. the kernel itself. Botany.a hard, indehiscent, one-seeded fruit, as the chestnut or the acorn.
nut meaning, definition, what is nut: a dry brown fruit inside a hard shell, t...: Learn more.
The meaning of CLINCH NUT is a nut intended to be riveted into position in sheet metal.
By the 1990s,bust a nuthad taken on the meaning of being excited about something, often in an overly enthusiastic way—because, you know, ejaculation. The 1995 cult classic filmKidsincludes the line: “He’s pretty crazy, he’ll do whatever tobust a nut.” ...
maiden-nut: In mech., the inner of two nuts on the same screw. The outer nut is called the jam-nut.
old-fashioned slangA derogatory and offensive term for a psychiatric hospital or insane asylum. "Nut" is a derogatory slang term meaning "a crazy person."My great aunt Lidia apparently got locked up in a nut-foundry when she was a teenager because she said she could commune with ghosts.I ...
Note that the force field and Infi-nut are considered seperate entities; meaning zombies that ignore it and ambush zombies can directly eat the Infi-nut and potentially bring it down, so be ready for them. Costumed (China only)He makes an additional force field two tiles in front of him....
The general sense of "central mass or thing, about which others cluster or matter collects," is from 1762. In biology, "dense, typically rounded structure in a cell, bounded by membranes," from 1831. Later they were found to contain the genetic material. Modern meaning in physics, "positi...
Slang meaning "crazy" is by 1898 (see nuts); earlier colloquial sense was "amorous, in love (with)," 1821. [Byron, in a slangy passage in "Don Juan" (1823) uses it of a beggar's doxy; a footnote defines it as "conjointly, amorous and fascinating."] Related: Nuttiness.peanut (n...