Dhushyanth Viswanath from University of Wisconsin-Madison to join our group for summer research program. 20/May/2016 Yan Group members attended Singapore Catalysis Society Annual Forum. Zhang Bin and Chen Xi won the Best Oral Presentation Award and the Best Poster Award, respectively. ...
这个时候就要拿出中学的时候做Comprehension的劲儿,逐字逐句去把这个JD里面说的东西搞懂,面试的时候HR问到就可以侃侃而谈啦!你也可以回问HR“以上是我个人research得出的理解,请问我描述的和实际工作中的相符合吗?”以更好的了解这份工作的细节。 如何为求职做自我提升 大人,时代变啦!两耳不闻窗外事,一心只读圣贤书...
Founded in 1905 as a medical college, this autonomous research university is Singapore's oldest institution of higherLearning and has a longstanding reputation of academic excellence. The NUS campus is home to state-of-the-art facilities, lush landscaping and fields, and a wealth of dining options...
匿名用户: 我本人是12届的SM2,国大的,今年刚刚毕业,计算机相关专业。现在毕业,在一家国际知名公司工作。 我自己还是很感谢这个项目的,因为我比较满意我现在的状态。下面我来具体讲一下。 纯粹的好处 1. 学校的机会很多。Summer School,交换生计划,Teaching Assistant,Research Assis… ...
4th Annual IPSA-NUS Summer School for Social Science Research MethodsNational University of Singapore
5.有些专业要求必须有海外经历一次,所以winter school也是个好选择,因为summer也许要实习。 如果winter项目非常适合你的话! 那我们看看NUS官方合作有哪些项目呢 THIRD PART 今年NUS合作了哪些项目呢? 来啦来啦! 以下就是NUS与各大高校合作的Winter School和Field Trip的总结大全!
(2)学术:还想留在NUS的话则必须先读一个research master才有资格申请本校的phd,gpa越高越好,去...
两分是我在入读前对CCL这个项目的期待,剩下的八分则是我面临的血淋淋的现实,但生活本就如小马过河,我太清楚我是怎样的人,我知道我在做决定的那一刻没有一丁点儿的游移不定,因此即便重来无数次,我依然会做出同样的选择,会承受一样的痛苦和绝望,这才是真正的cruel summer吧(校园里天天都能听到这首歌:D...
What started as a project I made while I was bored at a summer internship, turned into something used all over the world, and translated to seven different languages! I would never have expected such an outcome, so I want to thank you all again. The code and server will stay up, ...
investigation was performed at the Oak Germplasm Resource Bank located in Shenyang. From 2017 to 2021, the timespan record of adult occurrence started from the day when the first new generation adult (summer adult) was found to the day when the active overwintering adult (spring adult) ...