输入“Student Status Letter”,并按照提示的说明进行操作。在收到您的请求后,您的证明将通过电子邮件发送到您的NUSNET邮件。 有关学生身份信的查询,请参阅“Ask Student Service FAQ ”门户网站,或发送电子邮件至: regbox22@nus.edu.sg (NUS大学校友和本科生) registry@yale-nus.edu.sg (Yale-NUS学生) grad...
坐落在central library和UHC之间,Student Service Center楼上的YIH的Food Junction也是众多学生的选择。 首推的是YIH的鲜果汁。纯水果鲜榨,清凉解暑,店主也超级热情。 作为YIH的“当家小花”铁板饭,粉丝量也是很多。有什么比下雨天吃一份热腾腾的铁板饭更幸福的呢? 要说YIH的“当家小生”,那牛肉面当仁不让。肥美...
在校生与校友皆可通过相关网站提交申请,在支付相关费用后待文件准备完毕(一般是4个工作日)即可前往学生服务中心(Student Service Center) 领取纸质版的正式成绩单。无论是亲自领取还是代领,都需准备好学生本人的身份证件。代领的话需提前向学校报备,且代领人也需带上自己的身份证件以便核实。 如果是邮寄,学生在申请...
Student help centerApplies ToOffice 2024 Office 2021 Office 2019 Office 2016 Sway Check it out. We’ve pulled together support that can help spark your creativity and launch your best work yet. Whether you use these Microsoft tools already, or it’s your first time diving in, we hope to ...
网址:http://community.nus.edu.sg/nussu/student_union.aspx 社会服务社团(NUS Students'Community Service Club CSC): 主要提供各种志愿者服务项目,使学生们能够与社会上不同阶层的民众接触。 网址:http://www.nus-csc.org/news/announcements.shtml 文艺活动社团 国大学生文艺活动社团(NUS Students' Cultural Act...
网址:http://community.nus.edu.sg/nussu/student_union.aspx 社会服务社团(NUSStudents'CommunityServiceClubCSC): 主要提供各种志愿者服务项目,使学生们能够与社会上不同阶层的民众接触。 网址:http://.nus-csc/news/announcements.shtml 文艺活动社团 国大学生文艺活动社团(NUSStudents'CulturalActivitiesClubCAC): ...
学校提供校内(Graduate Student Apartment)与校外宿舍两种,校内宿舍有PGP,U TOWN等等,据说申U TOWN比较容易,因为它最贵,但环境最好。学校有两个校外宿舍,两个都有免费穿梭BUS。Boonlay那边便宜点,而Commonwealth那里贵一些。相对来说还是建议申请 Commonw...
diverse student population allows for cultural exposure and sensitivity; the low professor-student ratio makes it really easy to engage with your professors (and have lunches with them in the dining hall); the school’s willingness to send their...
aNo matter who you are, we will help nurture you into a complete student, excelling in the academic arena and beyond. We will ensure you are well-equipped, not just to meet the challenges of a global economy, but also to face life. You will find that application to NUS is now a simp...
After flying 100 million light years, I landed on this bluish-greenish blob called Earth. To be more specific, I found myself at the Samsung campus in Suwon. At the entrance, I saw a sign that read: “No strangers allowed”. But then I thought to myself, “I’m not a stranger. ...