Hirasawa, K., (1931) Untersuchungen über das periphere Nervensystem. Heft 2. Plexus brachialis und die Nerven der oberen Extremität. In: Funaoka, S., (Hrsg) Arbeiten aus der dritten Abteilung des Anatomischen Instituts der Kaiserlichen Universität Kyoto. Kyoto, S 135–140 Google Schola...
cliplab_pro Halva-Stücke auf grauem Teller, dreht sich. vaaseenaa Büroangestellter telefoniert und gestikuliert mit Spielzeughand aus Holz Pressmaster Ein köstliches, reichhaltiges Brownie-Stück, das auf einem Holztisch liegt und durch die festlichen Feiertage wunderschön aufgewertet...
Labriformes This suborder consists of the Labridae, which includes carnivores, herbivores, and omnivores. Labridae This is a large family, with about 600 marine species, which live in shallow water and occupy a range of habitats, most notably tropical coral reefs. There are two groups: the wr...
grab - Go package for managing file downloads. graval - Experimental FTP server framework. HTTPLab - HTTPLabs let you inspect HTTP requests and forge responses. httpproxy - HTTP proxy handler and dialer. iplib - Library for working with IP addresses (net.IP, net.IPNet), inspired by python...
The civil war between Caesar and Pompey (49-45 BC), heralding the transitional period between...Dimitrova, MiryanaEarly TheatreEarly Theatre
Sukhwan Yoon’s lab at KAIST (Daejeon, Republic of Korea), was precultured before commencing the experiments. For cultivation, the ammonia mineral salt medium (AMS) was chosen due to its superior ability to accumulate polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) compared to nitrate mineral salt medium (NMS) [32,...
When the blastocysts are free in the uterus and after implantation, there is little change in the appearance of the corpus luteum (Enders, 1966), but secretion of progesterone is greatly increased after nidation (Labhsetwar and Enders, 1968). Implantation has been induced by ovariectomy and ...
S16-0520 S16-0521 S16-0522 S16-06118 Seminar Room S17-0404 Seminar Room 3 S17-0405 Seminar Room 2 S17-0511 Seminar Room 5 S17-0512 Seminar Room 4 S17-0611 Seminar Room 6 SDE-ER4 SDE2-ER4 SDE-ER5 SDE2-ER5 SDE1-01DS1 SDE1-02-03 SDE1-CL2 Computer Lab 2 SDE1-CL3 Comp...
S13-M-08 Computer Lab 2 S13-M-09 Computer Lab 1 S14-0503 Food Science & Technology Programme S14-0504 S14-0619 Seminar Room S14-0620 Seminar Room S16-03-0506 S16-03-0506 S16-0208 S16-0208 S16-0304 Seminar Room S16-0307 Department Seminar Room (Seminar Room 1) S16-0309 Tutorial...
S13-M-09 Computer Lab 1 S14-0503 Food Science & Technology Programme S14-0504 S14-0619 Seminar Room S14-0620 Seminar Room S16-03-0506 S16-03-0506 S16-0208 S16-0208 S16-0304 Seminar Room S16-0307 Department Seminar Room (Seminar Room 1) S16-0309 Tutorial Room 3 S16-0430 Tutorial...