The University of Texas at Austin, Chemical Engineering, 全奖PhD
at Urbana-Champaign(UIUC),signed a Memorandum of Agreement9MOA)to establish a joint PhD programme in chemical engineering.This is the first PhD programme offered jointly by NUS and UIUC.The programme is UIUC's first collaboration with an Asian university in the field of chemical engineering.Chemi...
3.Job Requirements: The applicants must hold a PhD (or other equivalent degrees) in electrochemistry, organic chemistry, chemical engineering, materials science or other relevant related field. Experience with electrocatalysis, or similar chemistries, is consider...
In order to be eligible for the programme, you must have at least a Bachelor Degree** (completed in at least three years, depending on factors such as the rest of your education background) inChemical Engineering or Chemistryor in a closely related discipline with remarkable results. *If you...
#unique新加坡留学报offer# NUS Materials Science and Engineering phd offer + Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering waiting list: 本科211 & 985,Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,平均分88/100,雅思6.5,2年科研经验,1国内专利四作在申,1中文核心三作接收,1一区SCI一作在审。在校没什么奖学金、没什么值得写...
Please send your application as a single pdf in English including a letter of motivation and research interests, CV, relevantcertificates(degree certificates etc.) and the name and address of at least one referee to Prof. O’Connor: ...
An Industrial PhD studentship in collaboration with Shell on the development of high-octane fuels from sustainable resources is available under the supervision of Prof. George Britovsek (Department of Chemistry) & Prof. Klaus Hellgardt (Department of Chemical Engineering) at Imperial College London. ...
He was also invited to give a lecture at the Chemical Engineering Department and Centre for Sustainable Chemical Technologies in Bath. 02/Feb/2015 Mr. Michael Joyes from University of Bath (UK) joined Yan group as an exchange PhD. student. Welcome! 28/Jan/2015 Dr. Lan Wang from Institute ...
NUS、NTU的博后工资从4000出头到7000新币不等,取决于老板的资金和为人。录取条件都是case by case,...
有强调:Please indicate THREE research areas of interest in a prioritized order in your application. 港中文 计算机科学和工程 2023年入学的, 香港中文大学MPhil – PhD in Computer Science and Engineering 提前批申请也已经开放! 第一轮截...