我申请的是master coursework,所以不谈博士学位。而读coursework也有full time与part time之分。再强调一下,full time与part time的课程都是一样的,无论你读full time还是part time,最后都是同样学位。从目前我选的课程来看,大部分的课程都是晚上上课...
就NUS的master而言,每年有两个学期,8-12月,1-5月,暑假时候还会有两个小学期。full time每学期最...
. We defined the colony’s total foraging activity (Fig.1, “Total activity”) as the sum of feeding and foraging at any given time. The first signs of initial colony entrainment were visible through the early establishment of a day-night rhythm in foraging (Fig.1, Day 1–5). In the ...
如果只有一个major的话, 那课程安排应该是1/3 common course,1/3 major-related course,1/3 elect...
Part 2:2017 Intake学生组成 2.1 从学校拿到的数据,2017 Intake学生构成: Full-Time MBA 101人; Part-Time MBA 46人; NUS-HEC Paris,NUS-Peking Double Degree 9人; S3 Asia MBA 21人。 生源非常diversified,共来自22个国家和地区: Austria | Australia | Azerbaijan | Canada | China | Germany | Guatemal...
因为第一年是part-time,担心非全日制的身份在找实习的时候会不被认可 分享43 新加坡国立大学吧 Susan_0525 NUS的3+1+1,苏州研究院的项目有人了解吗?这个项目怎么样呀,靠谱吗 分享196 新加坡国立大学吧 贴吧用户_0bAXQ1a NUS6个月博士联培生活租房信息咨询帖各位学长学姐大家好: 本人将于2015年8月赴新加坡国立...
LMU researchers work at the highest level on the great questions affecting people, society, culture, the environment and technology — supported by experts in administration, IT and tech. Become part of LMU Munich! In the course of your application for an open position at Ludwig-Maximilians-Unive...
Full-time / Part-time Part-time (65%) Start date As soon as possible (limited to 24 months, with possibility of extension for 12 further months) Application deadline 2022-09-30 We are looking for you: PhD Positon in the ERC-project T-MIGRANTS (m/f/x) ...
Full-time candidates may be awarded with a research scholarship from his/her home university and is bound by the terms and conditions of the research scholarship. Research Scholarship would be applied together with the admission of the joint Ph.D. programme. Applications Applications for the Joint...