我是3+1+1项目的学生,通过普通non-graduating通道申请。在成功申请之前,我甚至不知道这个宿舍的存在(似乎只对NUS本科生开放,而且录取考核非常严格)。入住后,和邻居交流才知道,这个宿舍也为世界各地的交换生提供了少量房间(但我还没碰到来自中国的交换生)。 🍽️ 食物体验 这个宿舍是寄宿制学院,需要购买膳食计划,...
隶属于这一类的同学,学校都会为其颁发临时的学生卡,其外观和功能与我们正式学生的Matric Card“橙卡”完全相同,可以刷卡进入并使用学校大部分的相关学生设施(比如图书馆、UTown排练室等),唯一区别是左下角会标注出“Non-Graduating”的字样。 正 式 访 团 这一类包括但不限于: 工业界人士参观考察实验室 外校学者...
nghelp@nus.edu.sg (Non-Graduating项目) 对于授课类研究生,请与各自的学院/学院行政人员联系。 2. 学生卡更换 如果需要补办学生卡(Student Card),你需要挂失并申请新的学生证。当新的学生卡已经办理好并可以被领取时,我们会以电子邮件通知您。 每次更换须缴付以下不退还的费用(包括商品及服务税): 第一次补...
03/July/2017 We welcome Tian Peng from Tsinghua University as non-graduating non-exchange student. 24/May/2017 We welcome Zahra Hanifah from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign as undergraduate exchange student. 23/May/2017 Dr Deng, Yunzhu and Zhang Bin win the poster awards in SACC 201...
For non-graduating (exchange) student and all other students who require ICA student pass examination only TERMS & CONDITIONS Once you have scheduled a confirmed appointment, any payment made is non-refundable.You maychange the appointment 24 hours prior to the confirmed appointment date (please ref...
robotics and software methodology. A two-semester capstone project is aimed at allowing students to pick up practical software engineering and system design skills that are needed in the Infocomm sector. It will comprise of a computing internship component that will allow graduating students to obtain...
it's the other stuff. So if your grades GG liao, might as well spend that energy to think about how u wanna buff up other areas. To the guy who said why learn python. I'm a non tech (though I did get into a tech firm, remember Caz I got great stories and experiences beyond ...
(Non-Graduating Programme) University Hall, Lee Kong Chian Wing #UHL-04-01, 21 Lower Kent Ridge Road Singapore 119077 Phone: (65) 6516 2301 Fax: (65) 6778 6371 Web: http://www.nus.edu.sg/registrar/edu/ng.html Email: nghelp@nus.edu.sg International Relations Officehttp://www.nus....
Graduated or graduating from NUS in calendar year 2019 to 2021 (both years inclusive); or graduated earlier and completed National Service between 2019 to 2021 (both years inclusive); Have not started any SGUnited Traineeship attachment with NUS previously. Trainees who ...
http://www.nus.edu.sg/registrar/education-at-nus/non-graduating-programme.html No.1 交换时间 Option 1:2019~2020学年春季学期 Option 2:2020年全年(1月~12月两学期) No.2 招募对象 元培学院本科非新生 No.3 申请流程 1. 填写元培学院国际交流项目申请表并于9月4日17:00前提交至俄文楼114A刘芮老师...