Double Masters’Degree Program (DDP) with Peking University 苏瑞福公共卫生学院 Master of Public Health 商学院 Master of Business Administration (MBA) Master of Science (Accounting) Master of Science (Finance) Master of Science (Human Capital Management and Analytics) Master of Science (Management) ...
-Double Masters’ Degree Program with Peking University offer发放时间:四月份开始,最晚在七月份之间发放完毕 以上内容均来自NUS官网,详细信息请前往具体学院官网了解。
-Master of Science in Financial Engineering -Double Masters’ Degree Program with Peking University offer发放时间:四月份开始,最晚在七月份之间发放完毕 以上内容均来自NUS官网,详细信息请前往具体学院官网了解。
-Master of Science in Financial Engineering -Double Masters’ Degree Program with Peking University offer发放时间:四月份开始,最晚在七月份之间发放完毕 以上内容均来自NUS官网,详细信息请前往具体学院官网了解。 © THE END
Masters or PhD in a field related to geography, landscape, urban greenery, forest ecology, and freshwater ecology. Demonstrated track record in using Geographic Information Systems/ Remote Sensing as a research tool to quantify ecosystem services and/ or urban ecological processes. ...
Inspired by the concepts from The Whole-Brain Child, this resource introduces young learners to how their brains work when they’re calm versus when they’re in “fight or flight” mode. Perfect for social-emotional learning (SEL) or behavior management lessons, this resource includes: ✅ A...
Masters of Science (Civil Engineering) 授课型硕士研究生(Coursework) 由土木与环境工程系主办,专为在土木工程及相关行业工作的专业人士而设计。学生将能够获得更先进和更深入的知识,同时实现跨越土木工程学科的智力拓展。 入学要求: 学制1.5年,荣誉学士学位或托福100分以上,或雅思6.5分以上,两年以上相关的工作经验。
The NUS Masters program trains students in creative practice design research in architecture. Modules within the Master's program would require students to not only deploy creative practice research methods; but also translate research ou...
Color, keyframe, or multiple camera editing, outstanding AI-driven tech makes your video stand out, Filmora masters all. Multi-Camera Editing Planar Tracking Magnetic Timeline Path Curve Easy, Peasy Tailor Content as You Wish Resize, reframe...