南洋理工大学(Nanyang Technological University,简称NTU)成立于1955年,是世界知名的,文、理、工、商兼备的综合性高等学府,在2017年QS世界排名中更是名列第11位。 南洋理工大学的南洋商学院(Nanyang Business School,简称NBS)是新加坡第一所同时获得EQUIS和AACSB国际质量认证的商学院。 在2016年度《金融时报》排名中,南...
以前的名称:MSc International Business Management (with Study Abroad) 新课程名称:MSc International Business (Sustainability) 以前的名称:MSc International Business Management (Sustainability) 新课程名称:MSc International Business (Sustainability) (with Study A...
值得一提的是新加坡国立大学的NUS Business School也属于CEMS盟校,对管理学硕士感兴趣的同学可以关注一下NUS的MSc in Management,不仅有以上CEMS的资源,也可以去两个CEMS School进行学期交换,1.5年,2个学位,3个国家,非常有趣。 2) 申请要点: 除了申请所有学校都会看重的motivation, background和match,申请北欧院校以...
全称:Business School 包含如下专业: -The NUS MBA -The NUS Exective MBA -The UCLA-NUS Executive MBA -The Executive MBA(Chinese) -MSc in Accounting -MSc in Finance -MSc in Sustainable and Green Finance -MSc in Human Capital Management and Analytics ...
SCHOOL OF BUSINESSMaster of Business Adminstration (MBA)Master of Science (Accounting)Master of Science (Finance)Master of Science (Human Capital Management and Analytics)Master of Science in Strategic Analysis and InnovationMaster of Science (Management)Master of Science (Marketing Analytics and ...
National University of Singapore Business School (12) Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine (12) Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music (12) University information Admission Facilities Students & Staff Careers A good four-year Bachelors’ degree, preferably from Business, Computing, Economics, Engineerin...
This is a unique and special mix as those who work in this field will have a chance to use their skills in both the sustainability and growth of the new sector. It is truly rewarding and is a sector that has many...
ecosystem of partners — which includes NUS and Microsoft — the center is pioneering the use of a common configuration language that bridges core building technology with behavioural, wellness, and spatial data to develop solutions that meet new demands for safety and sustain...