Master of Computing - General Track Master of Computing (with Specialisations) Computer Science Information Systems Infocomm Security Artificial Intelligence 以上专业申请截止时间:2025年1月31日 设计与工程学院 设计与工程学院各专业8月入学申请截...
BUSINESS SCHOOL–SCHOOL OF COMPUTING Master of Science (Business Analytics) (MSBA) 商业大数据分析中心 商学院-计算机学院支持 计算机学院 SCHOOL OF COMPUTING Master of Computing (General Track) Master of Computing (Artificial Intelligence) Master of Computing (Computer Science Specialisation) Master of Compu...
Master of Technology in Enterprise Business Analytics 企业商业分析技术硕士 Master of Technology in Digital Leadership 数字领导力技术硕士 Master of Science Management 管理学硕士 MSc Finance 金融学硕士 MSc in Marketing Analytics and Insights 市场分析与洞察 Master of Economics(Applied Economics) 应用经济学硕...
Master of Science in Business Analytics (MSBA) 计算机学院 Master of Computing - General Track Master of Computing - Computer Science Specialisation Master of Computing - Information Systems Specialisation Master of Computing - Infocomm Security Specialisation Master of Computing - Artificial Intelligence Spe...
瀑布干货 | 去新加坡当律政俏佳人?快来新加坡国立大学NUS学法吧! 今天我们再来看看 新加坡国立大学的商科硕士(上) 【下一期新加坡国立大学的商科硕士(下)】 新加坡国立大学: The NUS MBA 新加坡国立大学工商管理硕士 MBA with Specialisation in Real ...
SCHOOL OF BUSINESS-SCHOOL OF COMPUTINGMaster of Science in Business Analytics (MSBA) SCHOOL OF COMPUTINGMaster of Computing - General TrackMaster of Computing - Computer Science SpecialisationMaster of Computing - Information Systems SpecialisationMaster of Computing - Infocomm Security SpecialisationMaster...
Hence it can also be expected that such kind of intensive specialisation provides these enterprises also with a competitive edge. Finally, the concentration of overall trade is enormous. The Top-10% of all MNE account for 61% of total MNE exports and 73% of total MNE imports. The ...
Renmin University of China - Renmin Business SchoolChoose a Master, an MS or an MBA in Real Estate Management (Construction) The Sector of Real Estate/Wealth Management Real Estate Management will always be a significant ...
这些项目分别是 Master of Technology in Software Engineering (jointly offered by ISS, Department of ECE and School of Computing) 软件工程技术硕士,Master of Technology in Intelligent Systems 智能系统科技硕士;Master of Technology in Enterprise Business Analytics (offered jointly by ISS, Department of ISE...
课程设置:有四门以CFA为导向的基础课程,Economics for Financial Analysis,Financial Statement Analysis and Business Ethical Standards,Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management,Corporate Finance and Asset Valuation。然后还有四门更高级的课程:Derivative Securities,Mathematical Techniques in Finance,Spreadsheet Modeling...