原有专业: Bachelor of Laws in Economic Law National University of Singapore LLM in International Business Law 学生背景: 本科院校: 华东政法大学 原有专业: 法学(经济法方向) Chinese University of Hong Kong Master of Laws Inte...
首先, 在新的工商管理学士 (Bachelor of Business Administration, BBA) Curriculum下,学生直接入读荣誉课程(Honours)。 学生须修完160 units方可毕业。 160 units是多少门课呢? 在NUS Biz,95%的的课都是4 units。 所以160 units就是40门课,在4年内读完。一年读40 units,一个学期20 units,也就是5门课左右。
1. A good Bachelor’s degree in Law.法律学士学位。 2. English language requirement (for all foreign applicants, except those from English-medium institutions in Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States): Minimum...
NUS Faculty of Law (12) NUS Faculty of Science (12) National University of Singapore Business School (12) Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine (12) Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music (12) University information Admission Facilities Students & Staff Careers A good four-year Bachelors’ de...
新加坡国立大学 NUS LAW Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)🔽🔽🔽新加坡目前只有2所大学提供法学相关学位,新加坡国立大学和新加坡管理大学,但法学博士项目只有NUS提供。新加坡国立大学(英语:National University of Singapore,缩写:NUS),简称国大,是新加坡的第一所高等学府,也是亚洲乃至世界的顶尖学府,其前身是一所成立于...
Mr. Zivnuska is a member of the Council of Institutional Investors’ Markets Advisory Council. He holds a JD from Georgetown University Law Center and a Bachelor’s degree, with honors, from the University of California, Davis.Our People Meet the Rest of the Team Contact...
and Physics [B.Sc./B.Sc. (Hons.)] 3.4.7 Double Degree Programmes in Law (LL.B.) and Life Sciences [B.Sc./B.Sc. (Hons.)] 3.4.8 Double Degree Programmes in Computing (B.Comp.) and Mathematics [B.Sc./B.Sc. (Hons.)] 3.4.9 NUS-ANU Joint Degree Programme: Bachelor of ...
In August 2014, Duke Kunshan beganwelcoming graduate students as well as undergraduate students for its GlobalLearning Semester program. The university launched its four-year bachelor’sdegree program for undergraduate students in August 2018.