此外,如果你走的Apititude Based Admission,也有一定概率会需要面试。 欢迎加群/翻翻我们过去的图文了解更多关于国大的信息~ 也可以直接询问学校,问询地址如下(复制到地址栏) https://www.askadmissions.nus.edu.sg/ 如果想要了解更多专业信息可以戳本文最上方的#NUS新生干货 最后 祝大家都能拿到心仪专业的offer~ 下...
Infinitepossibilities. We offer a global and Asian experience that is broad, deep andrigorous.An NUS education isrecognisedas among the best in Asia, and the world. Your enrolment at NUS isvalid20 years from thepointof undergraduate admission. Alumni areautomatically eligibleforlifelong learning cour...
under the Department of Chemistry isnow openfor admission in August 2024 (Regular Admission)....
Starting from AY2023/2024, all Singaporeans and Permanent Residents enrolling into the MComp (General Track) programme which is not subsidized by the government will be automatically extended a 10% tuition fee rebate. NUS alumni, regardless of nationality, will receive a total of 15% rebate. 计...
此外,如果你走的Apititude Based Admission,也有一定概率会需要面试。 欢迎加群/翻翻我们过去的图文了解更多关于国大的信息~ 也可以直接询问学校,问询地址如下(复制到地址栏) https://www.askadmissions.nus.edu.sg/ 如果想要了解更多专业信息可以戳本文最上方的#NUS新生干货 ...
此外,如果你走的Apititude Based Admission,也有一定概率会需要面试。 欢迎加群/翻翻我们过去的图文了解更多关于国大的信息~ 也可以直接询问学校,问询地址如下(复制到地址栏) https://www.askadmissions.nus.edu.sg/ 如果想要了解更多专业信息可以戳本文最上方的#NUS新生干货 ...