Often acute care nurses have not been fully cognizant of the threat that pressure ulcers can pose for acutely ill patients. Teaching nurses skills of prevention, including assessments, and interventions for this group of patients is critical. Traditional teaching methods supplemented with an innovative...
(c)describe nurse educators' experiences with transferring learning from the workshop to teaching practice.#A longitudinal multi-intervention, multi-method pilot study was conducted using pre- and post-workshop surveys and interviews.#Twenty-six nurse faculty reported a neutral attitude toward working ...
This study reveals gaps in teaching risk assessment of pressure injury for senior nursing students. Show abstract Knowledge levels and attitudes of Turkish nursing students regarding medical device-related pressure injuries and factors influencing them: A cross-sectional study 2024, Journal of Tissue ...
Bentzen et al. [30] stated that high work pressure leads to having to choose which fundamental need to address and which to down-prioritise, sometimes at the cost of patient safety. Research shows that nurses are valued by older persons to ensure optimal and safe care [7,8,24], raising ...
Teaching proper techniques can prevent leakage and skin problems. Reusable products such as underpads or linen protectors made of cloth with a waterproof lining are better for the client’s skin and are more economical but require laundering. Moisture barrier ointments protect intact skin from excori...
Eight education/training methods were used across all the included studies, which were categorized into five formats: classroom lectures (face-to-face), book reading (learning manuals), simulation training (scenario-based and virtual simulations), demonstration teaching (presentations), and seminars (on...
Educate on prevention and self-management: For patients with recurrent gastric bleeding, nursing staff should focus on teaching how to avoid triggers and prevent complications to ensure better control and self-care. Ensure patient's comprehension and application of education: Nursing staff should double...
Avoid long fingernails to prevent patient injury during the exam Palpate areas that are tender or painful last Be alert for any signs of maltreatment or abuse, and follow mandatory reporting guidelines Abdominal assessment follows the techniques in this sequence: inspection, auscultation, percussion, an...
Surgicalmask 4 【多选题】(2分) ApatientwhohasbeenisolatedforClostridiumdifficile(C.difficile)asksyoutoexplainaboutwhatheshouldknowaboutthisorganism.Whatisthemostappropriateinformationtoincludeinpatientteaching?() A. Theorganismisusuallytransmittedthroughthefecal-oralroute. B. Everyonecomingintotheroommustbe...
Educational management refers to the process of planning and implementing training activities to enhance the quality and professional level of nursing staff at all levels, including nursing student teaching, new nurse preservice training, and on-the-job nurse training and improvement. With the rapid ...