US healthcare continues to grapple with increasing burnout and a nursing shortage. We look at solutions that could close the gap by up to 300,000 nurses.
The nursing shortage is a global health emergency. By reinventing care delivery using nurse talent and technology, we can solve this critical challenge.3-MINUTE READ August 3, 2023Ready for reinvention The nursing shortage is a global health emergency threatening patient access and outcomes. This cr...
Nursing News and Updates helps you find articles that cover the nursing shortage, the most important current events, projections on the future of nursing and more.
This shortage is also not only impacted hospitals but nursing homes as well. Some solutions for the shortage are increased pay, more resources for nurses, compensation for more experienced nurses when they're training and encouraging students to go into the healthcare field. Related Articles The...
people coming to the ED with mental illness. There are still few referral resources for patients who require emergency care for mental health issues. Before, outpatient appointments were available much sooner than now. There is a healthcare provider shortage, and healthcare is stretched thin for ...
See also: Horror Stories -- working short staffed, The Nursing Shortage, Your Opinions, To Stay In Nursing or Not It Pays To Learn (Online Trivia):"Cash in on your brain! You can select your own subjects and knowledge levels anytime, and try your skills on the thousands of quiz ...
Choose by local nursing shortage news by state:Arkansas,California,Maryland,Massachusetts,Minnesota,New York State,Texas,Utah State,Washington State Choose by topic:Africa,Australia's Nursing Shortage,Canada's Nursing Shortage,British, Great Britain's Nursing Shortage,Nursing & Healthcare Chatrooms, Disc...
” There is a shortage of millions of healthcare workers, and the demand is projected to double in the next generation. The vast majority of nursing schools are in the U.S. and other Western countries, and there will be a significant need for at least6 million trained nurses abroadto ...
LETTERS: What nursing shortage? BESSIE R. AMAYA RN Free upFront: ADVICE P.R.N. Free upFront: Myths & Facts... About advance directives Buy ACTION STAT: Thyroid storm Susan Simmons Holcomb RN, ARNP-BC, PhD Buy CLINICAL ROUNDS Buy DEVICE SAFETY: Keep an eye out for contact...
Additionally, Thompson [10] reported that increased workload negatively influenced the quality of handover, which was related to inadequate staffing levels and a shortage of staff as well as triage flow and time pressure. Therefore, the appropriate and fair distribution of rotational shifts (day–...