Health Professionals - Online recruitment service for nurses wishing to work in the UK or Ireland, with an emphasis on London and Dublin. Healthcare Connections - Recruiting internationally for positions in the United Kingdom. Includes staff members, services, employment opportunities, and testimonial....
National Board for Nursing, Midwifery, and Health Visiting for Northern Ireland National Association of Critical Care Area Nurses, ANIARTI Lithuanian Nurses Association National Association of Nurse Luxembourg Malta Union of Midwives & Nurses The Association of Occupational Health Nursing (BAV) Norwegian...
Implementing objective structured clinical skills evaluation (OSCE) in nurse registration programmes in a centre in Ireland: a utilisation focused evaluation Nurse Educ. Today, 26 (2) (2006), pp. 115-122 View PDFView articleView in ScopusGoogle Scholar Butler and Roediger, 2008 A.C. Butler, H...
as moral agents, need moral courage and breadth of vision to properly manage moral dilemmas and professional commitment to patients [25]. Recent research in England and Ireland has demonstrated inadequacies in the healthcare delivery system [26]. High mortality rates and cases of patient neglect we...
managers’ support was not significantly related to research use in participants who scored as research users compared to non-research users [44]. Using the QPS Nordic scale, higher leadership scores were significantly correlated to increased research use in multivariate analysis (p < 0.005) [...
The importance of social justice and healthcare service equity is documented within the standards of professional population-based nursing practice (called competencies) (Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland 2016; Torres-Alzate 2019). The first step of launching a population-based intervention or ...
Teen Challenge North East Scotland. It is nearly 7 years since I came off. And I have never. Find out how we can help you. This October, Gordon Cruden will attempt to survive sleeping rough in five cities across the UK and Ireland London, Cardiff, Dublin, Belfast and Edinburgh over the...
Tadhg Daly, the chief executive of industry lobby group Nursing Homes Ireland, defended private operators transparency. “The fair deal is a statutory regime of support set up under legislation and the accounts and records of all nursing homes are submitted to NTPF around negotiation of fee...
Communication in nursing is essential to the quality of care and patients’ satisfaction, and personal variables such as empathy and emotional intelligence (EI) can improve it; however, no studies have to date analyzed these competencies and their relati
Master’s Thesis, Dublin Royal College of Surgeons, Dublin, Ireland, 2015. [Google Scholar] Sopjani, I.; Jahn, P.; Behrens, J. Training as an effective tool to increase the knowledge about hand hygiene actions. An evaluation study of training effectiveness in Kosovo. Med. Arch. 2017, 71...