Amin, SB, Burnell, E (2013) Monitoring apnea of prematurity: validity of nursing documentation and bedside cardiorespiratory monitor. Am J Perinatol 30: pp. 643-8Amin SB, Burnell E. Monitoring apnea of prematu- rity: validity of nursing documentation and bedside cardiorespiratory monitor. Am J ...
Nursing Care Plans & Management Thenursing care planmanagement for patients with bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) is directed at maintaining respiratory function, ensuring optimal growth and development, and preventing further complications. These can be attained by maintaining a patent airway, promoting ade...
Differentiate between types of infections and clinical presentations seen in infants with sepsis. Describe the initial management of neonatal sepsis. Compare organisms that can cause congenital infections. CEUFast Inc. and the course planners for this educational activity do not have any relevant financia...
Care Management: Birth Through the First 2 Hours Care begins immediately after birth and focuses on assessing and stabilizing the newborn’s condition. The nurse has the primary responsibility for the infant during this period because the physician or nurse midwife is involved with care of the mot...
Nursing Care Plans and Management Thenursing care planfor clients with hyperbilirubinemia involves preventinginjury/progression of the condition, providing support/appropriate information to family, maintaining physiologicalhomeostasiswith bilirubin levels declining, and preventing complications. ...
Hyperoxiais frequently used in the management of acute respiratory failure. • However,hyperoxiacan promote cell damage and cell death in the injured lung. • In this review, molecular mechanisms ofhyperoxia-induced lunginjuryare presented. ...