Cengage Learning
This innovative online course offers a fun and engaging way to master the content found in "Yoder-Wise: Leading and Managing in Nursing, 4th Edition". It consists of 26 interactive learning modules that feature a wealth of engaging learning activities and exercises, case studies, audio and video...
Nursing Management is the leading journal focusing on management and leadership trends as they affect the nursing sector, giving readers the practical
Definition of Terms Leadership Management Leadership styles The process of influencing people to accomplish goals Management The coordination and integration of resources through planning, organizing, coordinating, directing, and controlling to accomplish specific institutional goals and objectives Leadership styles...
Students can't see an entire exam on one screen. Plagiarism detection software, is available to instructors through the course management system. Clinical exams are proctored at multiple geographic locations. All exams are proctored live or via Respondus. Exams have a unique ID entered into Black...
Leadership & Management in Nursing MAKING DECISIONS & SOLVING PROBLEMS 1 At the end of this session you will be able to discuss: The concepts of decision making and problem solving; The impact of poor decision making and problem solving on the workplace; What constitutes critic...
I’m just finishing up nursing school. I’ve got a 3.99 GPA and I received an Outstanding Undergraduate Nursing Student Award for leadership and caring. As a precept nurse at Newark General Hospital, I received frequent commendations from the preceptor for efficiency. I also maintained 95% posi...
Sullivan, E., & Decker, P. (2009). Effective leadership and management in nursing. (7thed.). Person Education Inc. Upper Saddle, River, New Jersey: p. 174. has been cited by the following article: Article Examining the Time Management Training Program on Delegation Skills Regarding Nurse ...
Creative Nursing Leadership and Management[M]. Boston: Jones Bartlett Publishers, 2009.Clark,Carolyn Chambers.Creative Nursing Leadership and Management[M].Clark CC. Creative nursing leadership and management. Sudbury, Mass: Jones and Bartlett Publishers; 2009....