This page contains all of our free interactive quizzes and sample tests for nursing students and current nurses. This page is designed to help nursing students and current nurses succeed. Whether you want to practice some dosage and calculations problems, practice for HESI or NCLEX, this page c...
Measure hourly intake and output. Some prescriptions are nephrotoxic. Which should the nurse suspect after reviewing noting the presence of protein on a routine analysis? Structural damage Which conditions should the nurse anticipate the healthcare provider to possibly prescribe a diuretic?
Nursing care was indicated to be minimally missed in the dimension of “care intervention with ongoing assessment”, which includes services such as monitoring vital signs, blood sugar, intake, and output. This finding is consistent with the results of other related studies [18, 22, 36, 39] ...
post-operative orders 术后医嘱 food and fluids permitted by mouth 是否允许进食 intravenous medications 静脉点滴的药物 position in bed 体位 medications ordered 医嘱中的药物 laboratory tests 实验室检查报告 intake and output 摄入量和排出量 activity permitted 允许的活动 P.2 Nurses must check the PACU (...
Objective data are overt, measurable, tangible data collected via the senses, such as sight,touch,smell, orhearing, and compared to an accepted standard, such as vital signs,intake and output, height and weight, bodytemperature, pulse, and respiratory rates,blood pressure,vomiting, distended abdom...
Medications administered and response. Intake and outputmeasurements, includingfluid balance. Assessment of pain level using a validatedpain scale. Documentationof procedures performed and their outcomes. Any changes in the child’s condition or response to treatment. ...
Download Exams - Cardiovascular Disease Management: Nursing Interventions and Patient Education | University of Cambridge | A wide range of nursing interventions and patient education topics related to the management of various cardiovascular diseases,
[Not applicable; the presence of signs and symptoms establishes an actual diagnosis] Desired Outcomes The client will maintain adequate fluid volume as evidenced by moist mucous membranes, good skin turgor, capillary refill; stable vital signs; and balanced intake and output with normal urine concentr...
patient has a balanced intake and output. b. patient understands the need for increased fluid intake. c. patient’s bedding is changed when it becomes damp. d. patient’s skin remains cool and dry throughout hospitalization. Correct Answer: A Rationale: This statement gives measurable data ...
Nutritional factors such as inadequate dietary intake and impaired nutritional status • Altered levels of consciousness. 4Which areas of the body are more prone to pressure ulcerations? All areas around bony prominences are at risk. Most pressure ulcers occur on the ischial tuberosity (28%),...