Until the pandemic, Carol was volunteering at the West Boca Medical Center, so she knows firsthand how stressful COVID-19 is on healthcare workers. This awareness motivated Carol to find a way to give back to those putting their lives at risk. She organized her fellow...
In line with findings that nurses from minority groups have an important role in making health services accessible to their community, our study aimed to identify the challenges ultra-Orthodox Jewish nurses faced during COVID-19 in their encounters with patients and health staff from other communitie...
this study demonstrated that social media plays a critical role in raising awareness regarding the importance of Saudi male nurses.Conclusion: Awareness needs to be raised of the nursing profession as a gender-diverse field through volunteering programs for the community. It is recommended that Saudi...
A total of 2 out of 16 participants, i.e., slightly more than 10% of the participants reported volunteering their services to the nursing homes. At two observation sessions at Nursing Home C, it was observed that a total of six male residents were helping with tasks at the nursing home,...