Does the nursing home's reported time compare favorably to other Florida nursing homes? What is the nursing home's staff turnover like? How does this staff turnover compare to other facilities in Florida? How much time do the nursing home's staff spend with residents each day?
Perry Starer MD & Leslie S. Libow MD 204 Accesses 7 Citations 3 Altmetric Explore all metrics Conclusion Nursing home medicine has moved from guessing, common sense, and hunches to a broader base of knowledge and skills that should be available to and used by all clinicians....
Design/Methodology: Insulin cost data for 1,124 Medicare A patient visits of duration 30 days or less (14,901 patient days, mean LOS 13.25 days) in 74 nursing facilities from a national chain of nursing homes was collected for the 12-month period July 2009 through June 2010. All patient ...
Heather Höpfl, a Professor of Management, takes a quite different, and I believe more coherent and enabling view of women's heroism than Perron and her colleagues. She argues that:"The heroines of history are not impotent women. Quite the contrary, they are women who refuse to be put i...
Florida Architect: FL House Plans, FL Home Plans, FL Senior Living Facilities, FL Assisted Living Facilities, FL Nursing Homes
Marieke Perry 0004 0444 9382Department of Primary and Community Care, Donders Institute for Brain Cognition and BehaviourRadboud University Medical Center Nijmegen The NetherlandsElleke G. M. Landeweer
"Understanding the Roles of Registered General Nurses and Care Assistants in UK Nursing Homes." Journal of Advanced Nursing 42: 497-505.Perry M, Carpenter I, Challis D, et al. Understanding the roles of registered nurses and care assistants in UK nursing homes . J Adv Nurs 2003; 42 :495...
Carpenter, I., Perry, M., Challis, D., & Hope, K. (2003). Identifi- cation of registered nursing care of residents in English nursing homes using the Minimum Data Set Resident Assessment Instru- ment (MDS/RAI) and Resource Utilisation Groups version III (RUG-III). Age and Ageing, 32...
Associations between person-centred climate and perceived quality of care in nursing homes: A cross-sectional study of relatives' experiences. J. Adv. Nurs. 2019, 75, 2526–2534. [CrossRef] [PubMed] 32. Bailey, C.; Kinghorn, P.; Orlando, R.; Armour, K.; Perry, R.; Jones, L.; ...
and coping are protective against the adversity associated with health problems such as those stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic. Our study’s purpose was to investigate the usefulness of reminiscence therapy for older women living in nursing homes during the COVID-19 pandemic. A sample composed...