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L. DoverJ. BaconNursing ForumDOVER, Leslie & BACON, Jane (2001) Spiritual Care in Nursing Practice: A Close-Up View, in Nursing Forum, Vol 36, nº 3, July-Sept, pags 18-30.Van Dover, L. J., & Bacon, J. M. (2001). Spiritual care in nursing practice: a close-up view. ...
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too many nursing homes place too much emphasis on profits, understaffing their facilities, hiring workers without proper experience or training, or failing to put appropriate policies in place to safeguard residents. If your family member has suffered a needless injury while in nursing home care, ...
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Title. Spiritual care in Christian parish nursingdoi:10.1111/j.1365-2648.2006.04081.xLeslie van DoverJane Bacon PfeifferJohn Wiley & Sons, Ltd.Journal of Advanced NursingVan Dover, L., & Pfeiffer, J. B. (2007). Spiritual care in Christian parish nursing. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 57 ,...
Title. Spiritual care in Christian parish nursingLeslie Van DoverLeslie Van Dover MScN PhD RN PN Professor Chair of the Graduate Program School of NursingJane Bacon PfeifferLeslie Van Dover MScN PhD RN PN Professor Chair of the Graduate Program School of NursingJournal of Advanced Nursing...