HMOs More Likely to Send Stroke Victims to Nursing HomesCHICAGO (AP) -- HMOs may be skimping on care that could help stroke victims live on their own again, researchers say.Coleman, Brenda C
Weak muscles and other physical issues make choking a very real danger for the elderly, but there are steps that can mitigate that risk, like diet choices and cutting food into small bites. Failure to take these steps in nursing homes threatens the safety of its residents and constitutes negli...
There are many tools nursing homes can use to mitigate fall risk. You can find a list of some of these toolshere. But the important thing is that these methods work if someone cares enough to figure out what the patient needs. This is why the standard for fall prevention mandates that n...
Delayed Treatment of Stroke Free Case Review The case is drawing a line in the sand. Through this case we are telling these operators who think that our elderly relatives’ and friends’ value is determined by how much money the operator can make off of them. We won’t stand for it anym...
I am a registered nurse certified in rehabilitation and have had a lot of experience working with victims of stroke. Mi ta un verpleegster diplomá, specialisá den rehabilitacion i tin hopi experencia cu víctimanan di atake celebral. jw2019 To the contrary, we became gentle in the ...
Nursing homes are frequently a patient's destination for rehabilitation following surgery. Common conditions fitting this bill include large bone fractures, hip replacements and stroke. Following these acute episodes, the patients are too unstable to go home and not "sick" enough to have their hospit...
The aim of this exploratory survey was to quantify and characterize the chronic conditions of NH applicants who are lower functioning. In Belgium, NH beds, legally created in 1982 and destined for elderly in need of care, were primarily set up in the lap of existing rest homes (RH) who ac...
Care should be taken to address potential problems faced by persons who may be victims of disasters or involved in a medical emergency. These are vulnerable individuals and their privacy and dignity should be respected. Researchers should note and identify potential issues in their work that may ...
Care should be taken to address potential problems faced by persons who may be victims of disasters or involved in a medical emergency. These are vulnerable individuals and their privacy and dignity should be respected. Researchers should note and identify potential issues in their work that may ...
A recipe for thriving in nursing homes: A meta-ethnography 在疗养院蓬勃发展的秘诀:元人种学 Exploring the relationships among professional quality of life, personal quality of life and resignation in the nursing profession 探讨护理专业职业生活质量、个人生活质量与辞职之间的关系 Development of the nurse...