brought home her barely 5 lb baby boy. Since the young couple were living on one income and were barely able to feed themselves, it made sense to them to breastfeed their little one. Neither one had ever even seen a mother breastfeeding her baby or even heard of a lactation consultant ...
Prelicensure students from UIndy’s BSN programs have achieved an NCLEX exam pass rate of 88% over the past decade. The school’s “Education for Service” motto is deeply embedded in its nursing curriculum, including a number of student volunteer and mission opportunities each year. #55: ...
Chris Gebhart, ADC Gebhart is the activity director and volunteer coordinator at Concordia at Villa St. Joseph in western Pennsylvania. Anne Weisbrod
Superior pricing, top quality apparel & prompt service have helped make Flagstaff a preferred supplier of uniforms to the Healthcare, Security, Law Enforcement, Food Service and Hospital Volunteer Industries across the United States and abroad. Under the premise that when people look good they will...
Medical Volunteering at Wema Nursing Home and Maternity: You must encounter live births on the first few days of your hospital volunteer placement. You will also witness circumcision, cases of malaria
A volunteer trainee interviewed participants and made a Tree of Life poster for each participant during the interviews. The volunteer followed patients’ instructions about what information was included and where it went on the poster. Pre- and postintervention measures: Linear Analogue Self-Assessment...
Increasingly, public health programs are recommending the use of information and communication technologies to address the psychosocial needs of Older Adults (OAs). Recently, several applications that allow access to communication and stimulation functionalities using digital interactive television (DiTV) have...