1、内科护理学(Medical Nursing)Nursing diagnosis of cough?Clearing the respiratory tract is invalid: with sputum thick, failure, expectoration, weakness relatedExercise intolerance: related to chronic frequent cough and i nadequate nutri tional intakeSleep disorders: sleep deprivation: associated with ...
内科护理学(MedicalNursing) Nursingdiagnosisofcough? Clearingtherespiratorytractisinvalid:withsputumthick, failure,expectoration,weaknessrelated Exerciseintolerance:relatedtochronicfrequentcoughand inadequatenutritionalintake Sleepdisorders:sleepdeprivation:associatedwithfrequent coughatnight Potentialcomplication:spontaneous...
Following a thorough assessment, anursing diagnosisis formulated to specifically address the challenges associated with heart failure based on the nurse’s clinical judgement and understanding of the patient’s unique health condition. While nursing diagnoses serve as a framework fororganizingcare, their ...
Diagnostic- Surgical exploration that allows health care providers to confirm diagnosis; often involves removal of tissue for further diagnostic testing. Ablative -Excision or removal of diseased body part. Palliative -Relieves or reduces intensity of disease symptoms; does not produce cure. ...
Nursing Diagnosis Ineffective Airway Clearancerelated to increased sputum production as evidenced by audible rhonchi, productive cough, and difficulty expectorating sputum. Expected Outcomes The patient will maintain/improve patent airway clearance as evidenced by effective coughing, reduced sputum production, ...
Admission Date: Admission Diagnosis: p.o.d (post op day): Code Status: DOB: Age: Gender: Food and drug allergies: Speech: (clear, slurred, garbled) Hearing:(hearing aid, hard of hearing) Vision:(glasses, blind) Surgical Hx: Co-Morbidities: Occupation: Recreational Drug Use: Drinking (al...
I say, broaden your horizons, broaden them, because, quite frankly, when you're in the ER or you're in the ICU, you see a patient for a snapshot of time, and to really get the full experience of nursing, as I have, you need to pick up the patient at the point of diagnosis. ...
Prado PRD, Bettencourt ARC, Lopes JL. Defining characteristics and related factors of the nursing diagnosis for ineffective breathing pattern. Revista brasileira de enfermagem. 2019 Jan-Feb:72(1):221-230. doi: 10.1590/0034-7167-2018-0061. Epub[PubMed PMID: 30916289] ...
25. What is the priority nursing diagnosis with your patient diagnosed with end-stage renal disease? Activity intolerance Fluid volume excess Knowledge deficit Pain 26. A patient with ESRD has an arteriovenous fistula in the left arm for hemodialysis. Which intervention do you include in his plan...
Infant risk factors for SIDS include -premature or LBW-low APGAR-multiple birth-male sex-recent respiratory tract infection-lack of vigor-sleeping in prone position how to help SIDS survivors -Provide a separate room-Explain SIDS diagnosis in clear terms-Explain what was done to try to revive...