Apprenticeship Nursing Associate Apprenticeship Apprenticeship Registered Nurse Apprenticeship View all courses What our NHS partners say 1 There is regular communication and flexibility, and an ability to work with us to enable learners to get what they need from their studies, whilst also understandi...
Develop your career with our nursing courses BPP work in partnership with the UK’s most recognised NHS Trusts and offer a range of healthcare education pathways for every step of your professional journey. Undergraduate nursing courses Our undergraduate nursing courses are designed with the ultimate...
Explore NMC-accredited Nursing courses! Ranked 2nd in the North West for graduate prospects (GUG 2024), Uni of Central Lancs's Nursing offers diverse clinical placements based in Central Lancashire NHS Trusts. Visit Website What's new at Uni Compare Uni of Staffordshire Staffordshire is 5th...
Find nursing courses. Undergraduate nursing degree What types of undergraduate nursing degrees can you study? There are hundreds ofnursing degree coursesavailable in the UK. To narrow down your choices, first, consider what area of Nursing interests you. Different types of nursing degrees include: ...
护理学的吸引力在于其良好的就业前景和发展前景。从现实上看,英国NHS系统每年都招聘需要大量的医护人员,护理学毫无疑问是NHS中最受欢迎的专业。 大部分毕业生的第一份工作都是护士,平均年薪为2.2万英镑;医疗顾问年薪高达7万英镑。 但这不意味着当护士就是护理学学生的唯一职业,应届毕业生还可以在儿童保健、心理健康...
Planning tostudy nursingand need some additional funding? Luckily there a wide range of scholarships available to help aspiring nurses achieve their ambitions. Check out these nursing scholarships on offer around the world, broken down by region…...
Healthcare Courses CBT - Nursing OSCE - Nursing Explore More Study Abroad USA UK CANADA Explore More Language Training IELTS OET PTE Explore More Healthcare Digital Solutions Home office Compliance Portal Explore More Healthcare Recruitment International Permanent Temporary Explore More Healthcare ...
BSc (Hons) Nursing Studies (Top Up) 申请要求:3年制护理大专毕业均分70;有护士资格证 语言要求:雅思6.0,小分5.5 学制:1年 学费:16500英镑 课程设置: 护理专业 临床决策推理与判断 为病人和服务的改善而领导变革 临床决策在行动 医疗保健实践...
The most common route into nursing is by completing a nursing degree with full and part time courses available across the country. Nursing is the UK’s most employable type of degree, with 94% of students getting a job within six months of finishing their course. You’ll also receive at ...
Most countries offer nursing education courses that may be relevant to general nursing or to specialist areas such as mental health nursing, pediatric nursing, and postoperative nursing. Courses leading to independent registration as a nurse generally last four years. Nurse Care also offers post-...