University of Buffalo School of NursingUniversities and colleges (New York)Universities and colleges (Officials and employees)Deans (in schools) (Appointments, resignations and dismissals)Academic Medicine
(IPE) has been designed in nursing and pharmacy colleges/schools to improve the attitude and perception of students toward nurse-pharmacist collaboration, in order to prepare these future nurses and pharmacists for functioning in interprofessional health care teams in their future careers [16, 17]. ...
’ A qualitative study of why patients with palliative care needs present to the emergency department: Table 1. BMJ Support Palliat Care. May 2016:bmjspcare-2015-000999. Chyr LC, Drabo EF, Fabius CD. Patterns and predictors of transitions ...
Specialist breast care nurses for support of women with breast cancer Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2021 (1) (2021), 10.1002/14651858.CD005634.pub3 Google Scholar 153 A Drury, M Dowling, C Diez de los Rios de la Serna, et al. Advanced breast cancer education for cancer nurses: a systemat...
Applications, benefits and challenges os using information systems in the perfomance of nursingdoi:10.36489/nursing.2022v25i291p8634-8645Perim Tosi, Murilode Oliveira Florentino, AnelviraCamargo de Oliveira, Amanda AparecidaTrevisani Corrêa, Claudia Rosana...