a一点也没用 Also useless[translate] a中风病人的护理要点 Stroke patient's nursing main point[translate]
Identification and Nursing Care of a Stroke Patient with Internal Iliac Artery Branch Rupture and BleedingXiaoyan YangWangyong LiLianping HeZijun LinAlternative Therapies in Health & Medicine
Nursing Care of the Patient with strokeppt课件 脑血管病的护理 肖建英2013.01.14 广州军区武汉总医院神经外科血管组 昏迷病人 持续昏迷的最常见原因①脑血管病②头外伤③脑肿瘤④药物过量 重要原则 ①在任何情况下,我们都假设病人是可以听见的,即使他没有任何反应。②在任何情况下,我们都要呼唤病人的名字并...
Stroke is one of the 3 major health problems in the United States. The devastating effects of a stroke on the patient and family can create an intolerable situation causing much grief and despair for all concerned. Much can be done to alleviate this situation if a possible rehabilitation progra...
This paper summarizes the progress in family-centered nursing care of stroke patients in recent years, and points out the priority and the necessity of family-centered nursing for stroke patients. Performing family-centered nursing not only requires knowledge and skills of the family in various medic...
This article described a home health nursing experience of assisting two caregivers in providing continuous care for their mother, who went through stroke twice and became bed-ridden after discharged from the hospital. Due to nursing misconceptions, inconsistent caring methods and lacking communication be...
Attention to patient autonomy may improve patients' active participation in rehabilitation, quality of life, and autonomous living after discharge. Multidisciplinary guidelines based on the results may increase attention to the stroke patients' autonomy and stimulate a team approach. 展开 ...
Recognizing symptoms of TIA may serve as a warning of an impending stroke as approximately 15% of all strokes are preceded by a TIA (Amarenco et al., 2018; Sacco, 2004). Evaluation and prompt treatment of the patient who experienced TIA can help prevent stroke and its irreversible ...
In 2009, the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association published a comprehensive scientific statement detailing the nursing care of the patient with an acute ischemic stroke through all phases of hospitalization. The purpose of this statement is to provide an update to the 2009 document by...
Activities should increase in intensity as the patient improves. Education about the benefits of early rehabilitation and their role should be provided for health professionals, health care assistants, patients and their families. This article stresses the importance of prioritising stroke rehabilitation in...