preeclampsiapregnantOBJECTIVES\nThe objective of this project was to promote evidence-based practices regarding the nursing assessment of pregnant women with hypertensive disorders admitted to the intrapartum unit.INTRODUCTION\nHypertension during pregnancy has been associated with adverse maternal and fetal ...
Nursingcare planningand management for pregnant clients with hypertensive disorders or preeclampsia involve early detection, thoroughassessment, and prompt treatment of preeclampsia. Another priority is to ensure the mother’s safety and deliver a healthynewbornas close to a full term as possible. Nursin...
This page contains all of our free interactive quizzes and sample tests for nursing students and current nurses. This page is designed to help nursing students and current nurses succeed. Whether you want to practice some dosage and calculations problems, practice for HESI or NCLEX, this page c...
Describe the symptoms and underlying pathophysiology associated with pneumonia and with reference to the symptoms, describe how to conduct a comprehensive clinical assessment. What are examples of autonomic dysfunction with Lewy bodies? What is the pathogenesis of aspiration pneumonia?
Following a thoroughassessment, anursing diagnosisis formulated to specifically address the challenges associated with abortion based on thenurse’sclinical judgmentand understanding of the patient’s unique health condition. Whilenursing diagnosesserve as a framework for organizing care, their usefulness may...
In view of the possible short-term and long-term adverse effects of hypertensive disorders during pregnancy, the 2013 edition of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists guidelines pointed out that health education for patients about preeclampsia can help patients seek medical treatment in...
These should be centered on risk factor assessment or laboratory interpretation and provided by the hospital as guidance for appropriate follow-up. 3. Nursing protocols A protocol in place to give a Registered Nurse the ability to obtain a TcB or TSB level. B. Parent Education Hospital stays ha...
Assessment of urination and bladder function includes: Return of urination, which should occur within six to eight hours of delivery For approximately 8 hours after delivery, amount of urine at each void. Patients should void a minimum of 150 mL per void; less than 150 mL per void could indi...
Angela determines Lori is seeking care for her headache and to make sure this is not a symptom of her pregnancy. Angela uses Layers 1, 2 and 3 of the CJMM to begin to collect data from Lori to assist in analyzing cues and making hypotheses about Lori's problem. Assessment Lori's ...
High Risk Pregnancies A high risk pregnancy is one in which the life or health of the mother or fetus is jeopardized by a disorder coincidental with or unique to pregnancy. Risk assessment: Biophysical -factors that originate within the mother or fet