《Public Health Nursing》近4年来中科院分区等级十分稳定,大小类均稳定4区不变,期刊影响因子稳定上升,发文量有所减少,自引率低且有继续下降的趋势,引用次数稳定增加,整体来看,期刊发展前景较佳,故推测该期刊明年的中科院分区或能冲上3区。 04其他信息 1 影响因子 《Public Health Nursing》的影响因子稳定上升,最新...
Health for All -- The Development of Community Health Nursing and Public Health Nursing From the Perspective of Education Introduction: Sleep is referred a regular, recurring and easily revocable state of organism which is characterized by relative immobility and significant increase in response threshold...
The third edition of this popular and useful text has been thoroughly updated to reflect the many major changes that have taken place in community nursing, making it an invaluable and up-to-date reference for all community nursing courses. The book covers the current public health landscape, epi...
Public health and the nursing role: contemporary principles and practice is an essential resource which reflects the growing need for all nurses to maintain and improve health as well as treating illnesses. This book takes as its starting point that the aims of public health and health promotion...
Measuring the quality of life of older persons: a model with implications for community and public health nursing Measuring the quality of life (QOL) of older persons can assist health professionals in achieving a number of important objectives. These include assessing......
网络释义 1. 公共卫生护理 美国研究生申请:美... ... Public Health,general( 公共卫生)Public Health Nursing(公共卫生护理) Public History( 公共 … www.eduglobal.com|基于105个网页 2. 公共卫生护理学 美国研... ... 精神病护理学( Psychiatric Nursing)公共卫生护理学(Public Health Nursing) 护理管理(...
Public health and the promotion of health and well-being is now at the centre of national and global agendas. On this course, you’ll reflect on the value of nurses as promoters of health – a model for nursing first established by Florence Nightingale, the founder of modern nursing. ...
funding bodies need to allocate substantially more direct public funding to community and public health nursing (including competitive nursing salaries). Real change starts at the policy level, where decisions are made on what we pay for and how much is spent. It is time for nursing to own the...
基本信息: 期刊简称:PUBLIC HEALTH NURS 是否OA:未开放 是否预警:否 Gold OA文章占比:16.31% 出版信息: 出版地区:UNITED STATES 出版周期:Bimonthly 出版语言:English 出版商:Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 评价信息: 中科院分区:4区 JCR分区:Q2 影响因子:1.7 CiteScore:3.5 投稿咨询 加急咨询 ...