The recommendations from this paper will be presented to the Nursing and Midwifery Council of Botswana, the Ministry of Health, hospital authorities, and other nursing schools. Author's contribution Authors contributed as follows to the conception or design of the work; the conceptualisation, acquisiti...
Uganda’s healthcare system has severe inequalities, mirroring the inequalities in the society at large. Life expectancy is just over 50 years; infant mortality is high. Unfortunately, the only other public health concern showing significant improvement is the HIV/AIDS infection rate which has droppe...
African Ambiguities: "No-party Democracy" in Uganda In lieu of an , here is a brief excerpt of the content: 聽html_title聽 "No-party Democracy" in Uganda 聽/html_title聽 Nelson Kasfir (bio) Have Uganda's President Yoweri Museveni and his National Resistance Movement (NRM) invented a fo...
Insourced: How Importing Jobs Impacts the Healthcare Crisis Here and Abroad Shortage in the Land of Abundance Every year, as the United States imports more than 20,000 foreign-trained workers on special visas earmarked for the healthcare sector, American nursing and medical schools turn away tens...
It is recommended that curricular infusion should be done to incorporate HIV/AIDS education in the nursing schools in south-western Nigeria. Key Words: Nursing, HIV/AIDS, Southwestern Nigeria Fenton (1994) states that "the HIV/AIDS pandemic is a dobal phenomenon with social, economic, and ...
student nurses were interviewed in FGDs. All interviews took place over a period of four weeks in private rooms in the nursing schools, located at a distance from the hospital setting, which allowed confidentiality and privacy from the busy and public clinical setting....
PerspectivesAdolescent Substance Use: Prevention and Intervention StrategiesAdolescent-to-Parent Violence: Psychological and Contextual InfluencesAdolescents’ Psychological Well-Being in Contemporary Contexts: The Role of the Parental Characteristics and RelationshipsAdvanced Treatment and Care Management in Dementia...