Two Nurses Working At Nurses Station stock photos Two Nurses Working At Nurses Station royalty free stock photo Young Female Health Care Worker with Purple Scrubs stock photography African medical workers stock photos Veterinary Nurse Checking On Animals In Cages royalty free stock image ...
With a courage, that is only found in true hero's, you woke up and continued studying, you put on your scrubs and went to work.That is who we are - as nurses.The ability to put others before self, to care at a depth humanly impossible, and to do it all without asking for fame...
Because your job comes first, and everything else is expected to come after that. That is an enormous burden to carry around. That pressure, that intensity is what burns nurses out. The random, floating uncertainty of when you can enjoy being who you are beyond the scru...
They weren’t alone in counterprotesting. Across the country,another small group of health care workers counterprotested at a large rally in Denver, Colorado. Photos and video from the protest showed a small number of workers dressed in scrubs and protective masks standing in a crosswalk blocking...