Krol, P. (2010). L’apprentissage du caring chez les étudiantes infirmières au baccalauréat dans un programme de formation par compétences [The learning of caring of undergraduate nursing students in a competency-based baccalaureate].Recherche en soins infirmiers,102, 59–72. Retrieved fromhttp:...
sophisticated finish. While most white lab coats are made for unisex wear, Medelita and MedelitaÂMen’s lab coatsare designed and contoured specifically for either men or women to create a functional, well-fitting garment that remains comfortable throughout the workday. In addition,...
Furthermore, integrating education/training with good ideas in an interactive and highly practical educational program was more likely to increase motivation and improve care outcomes. Additionally, integrating education/training with good concepts was more likely to motivate nurses to learn, thereby ...
Naïve sketches were used for data collection, to enable the PNs to reflect on their nursing professionalism attributes in their work day, and enable them to write down their perceptions in their own space and convenient time. The researcher identified three experts in the field of nursing neona...
Organisational Compassion, Happiness at Work and Employee Engagement in Selected HIV/AIDS Programme Focused Organisations. Master’s Thesis, Makerere University Business School Institutional Repository, Kampala, Uganda, 2018. [Google Scholar] Reizer, A. Bringing self-kindness into the workplace: Exploring...
and there was also an intellectual difference between doctors and nurses. The nurses are serving more than their capacity in the department, and this causes us pressure—permanent cooperation in the department and nursing; every day I learn something new—my schedule and my rest day were as I ...
In this context, activities like World Oral Health Day, proposed by the WHO, could play a crucial role in raising awareness about the significance of oral health [47]. Additionally, their motivation to enhance their knowledge in this field is also high, as evidenced by their desire to ...
The total amount of time devoted to learning over a lifespan, as well as the amount of time spent in learning activities parallel to everyday life, is increasing”. [72] Many voiced the importance of lifelong learning including the European Union (EU), the Organization of Economic ...
overall health suggests that being in contact with individuals sensitized to the subject may influence this perception positively. In this context, activities like World Oral Health Day, proposed by the WHO, could play a crucial role in raising awareness about the significance of oral health [47]...
while the group that took part in the walking intervention was also individualized and participants walked 20 min a day. In terms of results, the group that took part in the multicomponent exercise showed greater improvements in physical performance. There were no significant differences in cognitive...