disasters. SCOPUS , MEDLINE , PubMed, CINAHL and Psych INFO were the primary databases utilized for search of literature. Keywords used in this review were as follows: 'emergency', 'disaster', 'disaster preparedness', 'disaster competencies', 'disaster nursing', 'disaster role' and 'nurse'. ...
particularly vulnerable to disasters as they may not have disasterpreparedness systems in place and ...
In the study, statistical significance was found between the marital status of the participants, their status of having disaster preparedness education, and their preparedness for disaster situations at home and their preparedness for disasters (p<0.05). Among the participants, disaster preparedness of ...
AIM: The objective of this study was to explore nurses' perceptions regarding their knowledge, skills, and preparedness for disasters and how they acquired their knowledge about disaster preparation using a quantitative approach. METHODS: A descriptive cross-sectional survey using the Disaster Preparednes...
Psychological preparedness for disasters among nurses with disaster field experience: An international online surveydoi:10.1016/j.ijdrr.2020.101533Nizar B. Said a bAlex Molassiotis bVico C.L. Chiang bInternational Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction...
Nurses' preparedness, readiness and competencies for critical incidents to meet the needs of vulnerable clients in Hong Kong The nurses had 3 to 28 years of clinical experience. The domains mostly focused by Hong Kong nurses were on disaster implementation. In contrast, the ......
Aim: Nurses play a central role in disaster preparedness and management, as well as in emergency response, in many countries over the world. Care in a disaster environment is different from day-to-day nursing care and nurses have special needs during a disaster. However, disaster nursing educat...
There are gaps in the core disaster nursing competencies that need to be filled. Nursing managers should consistently evaluate the core nursing competencies to achieve efficacious disaster preparedness. To this aim, it is recommended that authorities implement training courses and programs to enhance the...
This study was conducted to determine the relationships between nurses' competency, motivation, and stress levels in disaster management, as well as to shed light on the establishment of effective disaster management programs. METHODS In our research we used a correlationa...