Cost of Living in other Major Cities City, StateCompared to national average San Francisco, CA + 86.5% Washington, DC + 45.2% Miami, FL + 15.4% Chicago, IL + 12.4% Boston, MA + 53.1% New York, NY + 77.0% Dallas, TX + 7.0% ...
Results indicate that a t 6 months of age drug exposed and canparison infants do not differ on pass/fail rates for eye-hand, object relations, and manipulation itens. At 12 months of age, no fdoiuffnedreinnceims iwtaetrieonfo-cuanndpoenheenysei-ohnand(xa2n=d4.6v9oc, apbu...
Wilfoxd Hall USAFMedical Center, ~ e &of ~ & a t r i c s , San ~ n t o z o ,TX. The inddence of necrotizing e n t e r o m l i t i s (NEC) emong infants in our intensive care nurseries dlppped fmm 5.4 percent in 1973-5 to 2 8 percent in 1976. Only two cases...
developnt of infants exwsed t o narcotics in-utero have consistently found their developntal status t o be well within the normal range a t 6 and 12 months of age but often report finding differences between the developnental scores of infants exposed to narcotics in-utero and canparison ...