Is there a secret to having a successful VBAC? What happens if I poop during labor *shudder*? And oh yeah, how do I take care of a newborn? I know you’ve got a ton of questions and fears when it comes to giving birth. How? Because I’ve delivered thousands of babies as...
I like being in a profession that helps people. And I find the body of knowledge I've gained is helpful in everyday situations. Plus, nursing gives you lots of varied opportunities for a career…you can change from one realm of nursing to another…and the flexibility of the s...
Maternal recovery is slow and generally takes between 4 and 6 weeks. Babies born to mothers who developed AFLP are at increased risk of having a genetic mutation that causes a potentially fatal enzyme deficiency, commonly referred to as LCHAD (Scaglia, 2003). Therefore, it is recommended that ...
The labor process is the gateway towards a safe delivery. Once the woman has undergone labor, it is imminent that delivery would follow suit. It is important for the woman to have a smooth labor process for this is where she would be gathering her strength to deliver her precious bundle of...
A breach is when the baby’s head is facing up instead of down towards the vagina. If a baby is in a head-down position, with the back of his head slightly towards the front of his mother’s tummy (anterior position), her labor is likely to be shorter and easier. Most babies get...
In healthy women who delivered vaginally to term infants, early postpartum discharge is recommended. On the other hand, here areinterventions not recommendedduringimmediate postpartum: Routine use of ice packs Oral methylergometrine for patients who delivered vaginally ...