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Videos "Nursing With the Hand You Are Given: A Message of Hope"(YouTube) "The Disabled Nurse: Focus on Abilities"(Vimeo) Get Involved Make a suggestion to improve the web site. Share your story or a resource that has helped you. Tell others about accommodations that have been successful....
Subsequent videos will written by nurseguidance Contact Info Share this: Facebook LinkedIn Twitter Tumblr Print More Like this: Loading... Read More ArticlesClinical Nurse May 30, 2017 BJ Strickland Are You Fit for Duty? While it may sound like a term out of the military, fitness for ...
What is ASMR? Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response is an experience characterized by a static-like or tingling sensation on the skin that typically begins on the scalp and moves down the back of the neck and upper spine. These videos are not meant to take the place of any medicines or medic...
Our videos are designed to help you succeed in nursing school, prepare for NCLEX, and much more! Search our YouTube Channel Use the search tool below to find videos fast! Also, don’t forget tosubscribeto our YouTube channel (RegisteredNurseRN). Not only is itFREE, but you’ll also ge...
Dr. Martha's YouTube Channel Art: Grounded in Movement as the Law of Being and Health. Professional Dancer trained in American Denishawn since age 7. First company Sachiyo Ito Dance Company and Musicians. Choreographer in New York City - Performance and Off Broadway. ...