This project focused on nurse-initiated intentional rounding (NIIR) as a new nursing approach to patient care. NIIR anticipates the needs of patients as nurses perform hourly checks on their patients, thereby improving the overall patient experience, and increasing patient satisfaction. This DNP ...
Impact of Nurse-Led Interprofessional Rounding on Patient Experience Denise K. Gormley, PhD, RNa, Amy J. Costanzo, PhD, RN-BCb,*, Jane Goetz, MSN, RN, NEA-BCb, Jahmeel Israel, MSa, Jessica Hill-Clark, MBA, MAa, Tracy Pritchard, PhDa, Katherine Staubach, MSN, MEd, RN, CPPSb ...
A Rounding System to Enhance Patient, Parent, and Neonatal Nurse Interactions and Promote Patient Safety Comfort rounds, an approach to assessing and meeting the needs of patients and families in a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), was created based on nurs... A Graci - 《Journal of Obstet...
rounding on patients, rounding on nurses, administrative tasks, budgeting, supply orders, certification and compliance work, and much more. There often aren’t enough hours in a shift to complete all the responsibilities nurse managers are tasked with. ...
This study was designed to understand how the practice of rounding impacts on patient experience and nursing care in the NHS. MethodEthnographic methodology was used to see, listen and talk about rounding with nurses and patients. Data collection involved participant observations (38), nurse (34)...
“I spend afternoons ‘rounding’ with my whole team, nurses as well as business people. We all go out on the floor and make our way through the different units in the hospital, focusing on whatever the nurse manager of a particular unit wants to show us. We look at things not just ...
rounding on the hospital ERAS patients post-operatively, collecting and compiling patient data pertaining to ERAS protocol adherence and evaluating patient outcomes.3 There is a need to conduct at least one or two weekly meetings with key stakeholders from upper management, finance as well as members...
Back to rounding In addition to meeting with patients by day 2, the plan is for Ms. Skaggs to also meet with all patients on the day of discharge. So far, she hasn’t been able to work all those visits into her schedule. But the hospital is looking to fill a new position, that ...
Recently, during senior leadership rounding on postoperative patients, I talked to a patient who had nothing but great things to say about my staff. She said their humor helped her feel at ease while managing her pain, stress and education needs. Our staff deals with some really sick patients...
You learn that his behavior is always provoked; antecedents include getting yelled at by other residents, loud noises, and being in the public area when a lot of activity is going on. His agitation builds up in the afternoon around 3 p.m., when the nursing shift changes and patients tend...