Shelley P. Ahrens is a Nurse Practitioner in Rochester, MN. Find Ahrens's phone number, address, insurance information, hospital affiliations and more.
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A family nurse practitioner is a nurse who completed a graduate degree in advanced practice nursing and a certification in family care. Depending on the state, nurse practitioners may act independently or as part of a team supervised by a physician. See all conditions on Lijun He's profile. ...
Have more questions?See all answers to commonhealthcare practitioner and technicalquestions. Licensed Practical NurseJobs By State Licensed Practical Nurse Jobs In Alaska Licensed Practical Nurse Jobs In Alabama Licensed Practical Nurse Jobs In Arkansas ...
Remote Licensed PsychiatricNursePractitioner Wage: Between $155-$203 an hour Are you a licensed PsychiatricNurselooking to launch a private practice, or grow your existing practice? Headway can help you earn more through insurance! Headway supports thousands of mental health clinicians across the Unite...
For advanced-practice RNs who wish to switch or add a specialty as a Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP), the post-master's certificate route is an increasingly popular pathway. Choosing the right program, however, is an important consideration. With online certificate programs popping up all over ...
Accreditation by NCCA indicates AANPCB compliance with the NCCA Standards for the Accreditation of Certification Programs. National Recognition Q: Are AANPCB nurse practitioner certifications recognized by all states? A: Certifications are recognized by all U.S. state nursing boards, nurse regulators in...
Drug-related problems (DRPs) are critical medical issues during transition from hospital to home with high prevalence. The application of a variety of inte
While the pharmacists’ professional functions in medication management complemented the role of nurse practitioner. The communication of nurses and pharmacists on the basis of collaboration has been demonstrated to be efficient and cost-effective in allowing many medication discrepancies to be reconciled ...
Approximately 20% of the patients were referred for eye problems that had not been diagnosed previously, and of those, only half of them actually used their referral to go to their general practitioner (GP), an optician, optometrist, or ophthalmologist. Half of them presented with severe vision...