The massive scale of this renewable energy source may make it important enough to the proposed Canadian Net-Zero Emissions Accountability Act to gain traction [94]. According to the Canadian Institute for Climate Choices, achieving this net-zero goal by 2050 will require “wild cards and the ...
In 1840, the Act of Union reunited Upper and Lower Canada, this time under the name Canada. When the Dominion of Canada was created in 1867, the region was split into the separate provinces of Ontario and Québec. The new province of Ontario developed slowly until the launch of large-...
This study explores the ways in which a rehousing intervention shapes the mental well-being of Inuit adults living in Nunavut, Canada, where the prevalence of core housing need is four times the national average. More specifically, it compares the housin
To address this problem, Lake Diefenbaker on the South Saskatchewan River was created in 1958 to act as a reservoir. The prosperity enjoyed by Saskatchewan farmers at this time was threatened in 1970, when grain sales fell drastically. Farmers faced hardships that reminded many of the difficult...
coal, and other minerals. All of Saskatchewan's industries demanded a plentiful water supply, but water availability in the southern part of the province was rather unpredictable. To address this problem, Lake Diefenbaker on the South Saskatchewan River was created in 1958 to act as a reservoir....