作为一个Nuna的忠实粉丝,最近我终于入手了Nuna Mixx Next婴儿车!我是在Nordstrom特别版上花了549.9美元,之前在Amazon上囤了Nordstrom的GC,用了8折优惠(需要用到Discover和Amex积分,经常有这样的活动),最终相当于440美元到手。🌟 优点 大轮避震:这款车的避震效果非常棒,360度万向轮设计让宝宝出行更安全。 高景观...
”– Reviewer on Amazon. Negative Reviews “There are no handles to lift it once it is folded. I have cinched my hands many many times in doing so.”– Reviewer on Amazon. “The stroller is fine if you have one child but as a double it’s unstable and not functional unless you ...