\Flc\Alidayu\Requests\AlibabaAliqinFcSmsNumSend 1. 官方文档 http://open.taobao.com/docs/api.htm?apiId=25450 2. 参数、方法 官方参数对应方法类型是否必须默认值说明 extend setExtend($value) string 可选 公共回传参数 sms_type - string 必须 normal 短信类型,传入值请填写normal sms_free_sign_name ...
Freephonenum also adds new numbers on a weekly basis, ensuring the quality of its services. You do not need to register to use these services. It is simple and straightforward. The user interface is smooth. You won’t need a lot of technical numbers to send an SMS. ...
Transactions of the British Bryological SocietyReinoso J. & Viera M.C., 1996 — Bryum algovicum Sendtn. ex C. Müll. var. rutheanum (Warnst.) Crundw. and Bryum violaceum Crundw. & Nyh., two mosses new to Spain. Journal of bryology 19: 357 – 358 ....
AlibabaAliqinFcSmsNumSendRequest request =newAlibabaAliqinFcSmsNumSendRequest();// 用戶可以根據該會員ID識別是哪位會員使用了你的應用request.setExtend("WePush");// 短信類型,傳入值請填寫normalrequest.setSmsType("normal");// 模板參數Map<String, String> paramMap =newHashMap<>...
Capsicum (Capsicum annumvar.grossumSendt.) is a popular and widely cultivated vegetable crop. The leaves showing white to grey irregular spots were collected. The organism was isolated and cultured on potato dextrose agar from the diseased samples. The pathogenicity was proved on capsicum ...
Accuracy of send-out test ordering: a College of American Pathologists Q-Probes study of ordering accuracy in 97 clinical laboratories. Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2008;132 (2):206-10.Valenstein PN, Walsh MK, Stankovic AK. Accuracy of send-out test ordering: a College of American Pathologists Q-...
An analysis of reference laboratory (send out) testing: an 8-year experi- ence in a large academic medical center. Clin Leadersh Manag Rev 2004;18:216-9.MacMillan D, Lewandrowski E and Lewandrowski K. An analysis of reference laboratory (send out) testing: an 8-year ex...
Back to the Future: Using the SendtoX PowerToy in Windows XPSusan Hanley
exogenous me1atonin a11ethroughtes se1enium stress and promotes its uptake in cyphomandra bcea sendt so1anum bceum cavAn excess of selenium (Se) can cause toxicity to plants. Treatment with melatonin (MT) can alleviate the stress conditions in plants. Limited research exists on the impact ...