arr=np.array([5,2,8,1,9,3,7])max_index=np.argmax(arr)print(" Index of maximum value:",max_index) Python Copy Output: np.argmax()返回数组中最大值的索引。 6. 查找满足条件的第一个值的索引 有时我们只需要找到满足条件的第一个值的索引。 importnumpyasnp arr=np.array(...
print 'Index of maximum number in flattened array' print a.flatten() print '\n' print 'Array containing indices of maximum along axis 0:' maxindex = np.argmax(a, axis = 0) print maxindex print '\n' print 'Array containing indices of maximum along axis 1:' maxindex = np.argmax(a...
np.maxnp.nanmax Find maximum value np.argmin np.nanargmin Find index of minimum value np.argmax np.nanargmax Find index of maximum value np.median np.nanmedian Compute median of elements np.percentile np.nanpercentile Compute rank-based statistics of elements np.anyN/A Evaluate whetheranye...
np.maxnp.nanmaxFind maximum value np.argminnp.nanargminFind index of minimum value np.argmaxnp.nanargmaxFind index of maximum value np.mediannp.nanmedianCompute median of elements np.percentilenp.nanpercentileCompute rank-based statistics of elements np.anyN/AEvaluate whether any elements are ...
all,any,apply_along_axis,argmax,argmin,argsort,average,bincount,ceil,clip,conj,corrcoef,cov,cross,cumprod,cumsum,diff,dot,floor,inner,invert,lexsort,max,maximum,mean,median,min,minimum,nonzero,outer,prod,re,round,sort,std,sum,trace,transpose,var,vdot,vectorize,where 索引、切片和迭代 一维数组可...
maximum和minimum不再发出警告 Umath 和 multiarray c-extension 模块合并为单一模块 getfield有效性检查扩展 NumPy 函数现在支持__array_function__重载 基于只读缓冲区的数组不可设置writeable 1.15.4 兼容性说明 贡献者 合并的 Pull 请求 1.15.3 兼容性说明 贡献者 合并的 Pull 请求 1.15.2 ...
[-0.28790332, -0.96139749, -0.75098725, 0.14987721]]) >>> # index of the maxima for each series >>> ind = data.argmax(axis=0) >>> ind array([2, 0, 3, 1]) >>> # times corresponding to the maxima >>> time_max = time[ind] >>> >>> data_max = data[ind, range(data....
array([2., -1., 4.])>>> add(B, C)array([ 2., 0., 6.])更多函数all, alltrue, any, apply along axis, argmax, argmin, argsort, average, bincount, ceil, clip, conj, conjugate, corrcoef, cov, cross, cumprod, cumsum, diff, dot, floor, inner, inv, lexsort, max, maximum,...
(len(shape),)).astype(int)R_stop = np.array(list(shape)).astype(int)Z_start = (P-Rs//2)Z_stop = (P+Rs//2)+Rs%2R_start = (R_start - np.minimum(Z_start,0)).tolist()Z_start = (np.maximum(Z_start,0)).tolist()R_stop = np.maximum(R_start, (R_stop - np.maximum...
>>> np.amax(a) # Maximum of the flattened array 3 >>> np.amax(a, axis=0) # Maxima along the first axis array([2, 3]) >>> np.amax(a, axis=1) # Maxima along the second axis array([1, 3]) >>> np.amax(a, where=[False, True], initial=-1, axis=0) ...