data = np.array(data, copy=False, ndmin=2) dots =, vectors.T)ifnormalize:# Zero-normvectors should return zero, so avoid divide-by-zero erroreps = np.nextafter(0,1)# smallest float above zerodnorm = np.maximum(npext.norm(data, axis=1, keepdims=True), eps) vnorm = ...
# RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in true_divide # [4. 3.5 inf 7.6 inf] As you can see, division by zero results ininfvalues in the output array. It’s essential to handle such cases in your code to avoid unexpected results Frequently Asked Questions What is the purpose of ...
avoid_zero_div =1e-12ifnorm == np.inf: eta = np.clip(eta, a_min=-eps, a_max=eps)elifnorm ==2:# avoid_zero_div must go inside sqrt to avoid a divide by zero in the gradient through this operationnorm = np.sqrt(np.maximum(avoid_zero_div, np.sum(np.square(eta), axis=axis...
clip_by_value(eta, -eps, eps) else: if ord == 1: norm = tf.maximum(avoid_zero_div, reduce_sum(tf.abs(eta), reduc_ind, keepdims=True)) elif ord == 2: # avoid_zero_div must go inside sqrt to avoid a divide by zero # in the gradient through this operation norm = tf.sqrt(...
.. code:: python mask_0 = (distance > 0) mask_1 = (distance < 25) mask_2 = (distance < 50) mask_1 *= mask_0 mask_2 *= mask_0 mask_3 = mask_2 Then, we compute the number of neighbours within the given radius and we ensure it is at least 1 to avoid division by zero...
zeros_like(working_arr) + info['minexp'] # Avoid divide by zero error for log of 0 nzs = working_arr > 0 fl2[nzs] = np.floor(np.log(working_arr[nzs]) / LOGe2) fl2 = np.clip(fl2, info['minexp'], np.inf) return 2**(fl2 - info['nmant']) Example #20...
nonzero, anp.flatnonzero, anp.count_nonzero, anp.searchsorted, anp.sign, anp.ndim, anp.shape, anp.floor_divide, anp.logical_and, anp.logical_or, anp.logical_not, anp.logical_xor, anp.isfinite, anp.isinf, anp.isnan, anp.isneginf, anp.isposinf, anp.allclose, anp.isclose,...
d:\anaconda3\envs\sar\lib\site-packages\ RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in log10 This is separate from the ipykernel package so we can avoid doing imports until ## 统计#均值a=np.random.randint(0,10,(2,3))print(a)print(a.sum(),a.sum(0),a....