Part Number:AM5708 Other Parts Discussed in Thread:AM5728 MultiProc_getNumProcessors函数返回的值总是5,无论是AM5708还是am5728 那这些的值是由哪里设置的,
HRESULT retVal = object.QueryNumProcessors(pulNumProc); Parameters pulNumProc[out] Type:unsigned long Pointer to the number of processors.
clone / cvs-import of pthread-win32 + local tweaks (including MSVC2008 - MSVC2019 project files) - History for pthread_num_processors_np.c - 2php/pthread-win32
QueryNumProcessors method Article 08/15/2017 In this article Syntax Parameters Retrieves the number of processors installed in the system.SyntaxCopy HRESULT retVal = object.QueryNumProcessors(pulNumProc); ParameterspulNumProc [out] Type: unsigned long Pointer to the number of proces...
Retrieves the number of processors installed in the system.Syntax複製 HRESULT retVal = object.QueryNumProcessors(pulNumProc); ParameterspulNumProc [out] Type: unsigned long Pointer to the number of processors.中文(繁體) 您的隱私權選擇 佈景主題 管理Cookie 舊版本 部落格 參與 隱私...
gboolean gimp_export_iptc (void) G_GNUC_CONST; gint gimp_get_num_processors (void) G_GNUC_CONST; GimpCheckSize gimp_check_size (void) G_GNUC_CONST; GimpCheckType gimp_check_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST; GimpDisplay * gimp_default_display (void) G_GNUC_CONST;0...
Error: Assignment value ALL for assignment NUM_PARALLEL_PROCESSORS is illegal 主要的原因是Quartus II 8.0多了以下的設定: 因為現在的電腦都是雙核心或四核心,多了這個設定,在filter時會快些,但這個設定Quartus II 7.2看不懂,導致開啟project出現錯誤訊息。
set_global_assignment -name num_parallel_processors 1 In the past, this solution has seemed to suffice but, over many runs, I am seeing several each week that aren't being respected. My question is: Do you guys have a more global way of forcing this so I...
I've got this error in runtime, with C6678LE: [C66xx_0] ti.sdo.ipc.SharedRegion: line 331: assertion failure: A_idTooLarge: id cannot be larger than numEntries [C66xx_0] xdc.runtime.Error.raise: terminating execution ROV reports that numEntries for the sharedRegion ...
If numFrames is 0 it means no frames are being received on the VIP capture input port. You can confirm this by printing the CAPTURE_ADVANCED_STATISTICS. Have you configured teh port correctly? This means port is not receiving anything. It could be because of either po...